encrypt vs Epic #epic-eSports (4181 views)

de mental
gb hvK
hr danL
se cupcaKe
hr diablos
si m1ke
fr beck
fr MENTh
fr talG
fr Kallenge
be Azur
fr Simoon

6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011
Premier League Playoffs
UB Round 1
13.11.11 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mental (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10228
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


wat is this
gl danl, mike, cupcake, beck !!
beck, who are the replacements ?
i'm wondering if you talked to someone from epic before scheduling it on ETTV.
We challenged them, I'll talk later with b3ck, maybe the time or date will change
oh, really ? love how you put that on ETTV before even talking to beck.
That match must be played anyway, who cares if I change the date later on :O

u mad?
gl violy, day, beasty
gl violy, day, beasty
lol :DDD line up changed ...

fr beck
fr MENTh
fr talG
fr Kallenge
be Azur
wrong line up, it's frb3ck, eeAnderson, beGayZur, frprodigy, frkAilenge, frtalG, use your CB nick or you'll be in big trouble
Anderson aka fr Simoon faking hard :D
gl danL and diablos
Have fun les fr
GL epic
If you are going to loose this, then .... I am very dissapointed

roll them encrypt
missile what??????
tkt nigga, on te fera découvrir la map :D
GL mental (:
gut gut glück mental ;)
- fr TBA + fr Simoon

- Simoon
gl talg
17:35 @spLd|hvK • you guys going to enjoy lb?

You have € 77 on epic
Possible win: € 336.49

hf gays

(cu in looserbracket :_D)
easy for danL mate <3
returner!! thx :)
retourne dans ta cave sale con
gl cupcake :)
GL talG kaka Beck & Azur <3
I will protect you encrypt and save the world

hope you gonna pracc for wednesday guys..
You have € 99 on eu epic
You won € 301.95
You have € 70 on epic
You won € 213.5
izi money thx
spLd eu 1.49
3.05 eu epic
You have € 100 on eu spLd
You lost
expected :P
haha ! nice epic !!
wat? :_D
hahaah ahahhaahaha ahahahaha hahah ahahahaah :p

Saluuuuuut isuuuuuu !!!
omg omg noob here <3
epic win
You have € 68 on epic
You won € 207.4
thx for cool odds ;p
You have € 150 on eu spLd
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.