FURIA v2 vs #a2o.et (6248 views)

pl bartii
pl darkles
pl hooli
pl beep
pl gooly
de flux
nl jaack
fi epA
ru zentic
fi mAhla
fi pulssi
15.11.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: darkleSs (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8480
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


gl furia.
easy for jack,beebee and mahla<3

E: gl beep:D!
izi jack :D
izi for jack !
gl jack!
gl a2o :)
gl to my jack
gl a2o :)
gl jaack!
gl furia
gl dem fr3chen!
gl beepu xd
hf furia
GL hooli
easy to mahla !
gl MOFFO, reszta wypierdalac
gl Hooli :). Coach
gl bartii
GL Hooli
gl a2o
gl flux
beep , hahhahaha ;D darkleszcz co ty z tym laczkiem robisz ?
gl mAhla & pulssi
gl dks i hoi ;]
jest nasz pro hooli gl furia;]
gl beep - u:*********
gl hooli mistrzu ":D"
You have € 55 on FURIA
Possible win: € 91.85
pwn em mahla and pulssi!
Will try but somehow I feel like this is going to end up in epic fail :D
Luckily mAhla started going to a gym so he can carry me.
GL dla szympansa :DD
Keep your beds on FURIA v2, so i'll get moar money :3
gl zentic ;DD
gl furiaa ;)
beep rozjebie :)
gl mAhla and pulssi
You have € 540 on eu a2o
Possible win: € 842.4
gl gooly m8 :)
gl beep
GL beep :DDD
gl epA.
gl epa :)
GL guys <3 ;)
gl epA
gl mahla & pulssi !

<3 phreakz
and who r u? :DD
snaaaake :p
Ah, I see :P I'm not in phreakz tho :PP
gl gly
darkles sprobuj nie wygrac, to wiesz co z toba zrobie :D
You have € 292 on pl FURIA
Possible win: € 846.8
gl mahla and beep !
cmon darkles, make me proud!
Goed geluk Jack The Ripper :)
gl bartii
gl captain jack
0-4 #a2o.et gg thanks for games
You have € 50 on a2o
You won € 83.5

bedankt jack
graag gedaan vriend :3
Ggs. Forgot to bet, didn't lose monies.
epA played bad, i guess he had coldhands or sth, anyway wp guys ;)
gg guys, thx for game :)
You have € 19 on FURIA
You lost

why gooly why
h8 playing on tue :S from 6am to 7 pm at university :S tired like hell :P besides lil bit unlucky ;p ggs imo
You have € 540 on eu a2o
You won € 901.8

never bet polaks :p
10 € on :h Won28€

just saying
You have € 3500 on eu ofc ofc
You won € 6615

just saying
bet polaks only when tzac is down XD
mahla looked depressed so i bet on pl :D
You have € 200 on pl FURIA
You lost