Oxygen vs oceans6 (7050 views)

ca anim
se fuchs
fi Iratou
ee pela
de violence
nl Wesbo
de faux
de fireBall
de FlixX
de gerumba
de haZer
de qraigu
de wEAK
#ET-Cup - Semifinal
21.06.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET-Cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: SPU9 (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #Sonatix.ETTV
By: lblbw (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 75


o2 FTW!!
go o6
o2 lineup:
ee pela
nl Wesbo
de violence
fi Iratou
se fuchs
ca anim
wtf :D
nitro ? deadeye ? indu ? o2 ? :)
Nitro summer break
deadeye not available today
indu work / school break
o2? will be back :)
gl iratou&anim <3
oh, und viel glück viol ^^
<3 wes, anim
gl wesbo!
maybe you should start playing ET actively again and join us? :P
You wish!
Yes, every day!
Ik zag 't, jullie hebben me nodig LoL.
gl iratou
gl animal !
gl anim & wesbotje
That's some revised line up :o
Will be close imo
gl matze,ludi,q,wEAK
gl viol
lol @ o2 lineup
faux and flixx will take this game easily
only one eesti left @ o2, sucks :/
deadeye is there too but not avi for this match, and hopefully after the summer break players like Nitro and indu will come back, and maybe some other random estiirota's
ca Wesbo please! =D And I will probably have to play @ Kitty's house..
looks more interesting with 6 different flags tbh!
But I'm Canadian omg!
izi bash for o6 ! :)

ru zerender
de wEAK
de haZer
de FlixX
de faux
tr fireBall
de qRAIGu

ru humM3L (BANNED but is allow as spec to lead the game YAWOHL)
hahaha @ wesbo
2-0 o6 @ frostbit
@ goldrush o2 set a time of 11.30

EDIT: 4-0 o6
wieso is humm3l gebanned? ;o
weil er nen admin geflamed hat oder so ähnlich :O)
na is doch mal was :D weißt wer i bin? ^^
hmm nein würde mal aber auf rapster tippen?
:DDDD bekommst nen daumen ^^
de Fireball?