zeroskill vs etcfg (6019 views)

pl zefir
pl bam
pl robol
pl serano
pl samraj
pl feanor
pl ragnak
ru slaw
ru etplr
ru h8m3
ru idioteque
ru FuBoR
ru Leotiran
ru DamAskus
17.11.11 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Samraj (Requestee)
Maps: Karsiah_te2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11232
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 24


hf maciek i samraj
bedzie dobrze :)
i refuse to play this match don't count me i next matches as well...
chociaz do finalu OC =) fani prosza!
dawaj - offi z nami pograsz do konca
Serano...bez Ciebie bedzie chujnia :( Dograj z nami do konca OC :*
gl zefir
Na pelnej zs!
gl zs..
gl Serano,Zefir : )
gl zeroskill!
gl samraj
Gl samraj mate
gl samraj ^^
yeah thx - GL for your match too - c u in final
gl zs
gl damaskus
gl zs!!!

hf serano, samraj, bam, robol!!! :D
Old, good pl Playors vs Lowest 6o6 team in ET :C
Old, bad ru Playors vs Best 6o6 team in ET :C
gl etcfg <3
kolejny mecz z trybun :(
dobre kibole to jak 7 playor
thnx ohurcool , and gl etcfg guys !!
nawet fajne
nakrecilismy to wideo u nas nad jeziorem
samraj nie mowiles ze nadal nagrywasz
nie podoba wam sie ?
muzyke ja robilem a ten koles to moj brat
eto gg
GL zeroskill :-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gl etcfg, che.
h8m333333 :DDDD
gl samraj
good luck serano
gl zs
ogurek gurek ogurek gurek ogurek -- thx
gl professor h8m3
gl etcfg
GL SAMRAJ!!! <3 mate :D
4 : 2 zeroskill wins...
You have € 300 on pl zs
You won € 411
was nice and hard match thanks for it :)
Lady Macbeth zs.Ser4no :[ 150 kills

obviously :D!
gl & hf zs in next time ;)