c4. vs Stampida (3893 views)

pl rABit
pl atr
pl sosji
es Lts
es txin0
es nenko
15.11.11 23:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Rabit (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 13876
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


gl sosu :D
gl sosu :D
El nenko ese me han dicho que reparte que da gusto,y robar también....

gl tXinowned
omfg where are you?i miss you :(
I hv power for this game!
I played all time drunk, but i belive, who have a blessing from god. ;)
kaz1o0 is only one on this game and world.

HF kazo1o0 xDDD
dalej napierdalasz na bimbocie :XD?
5 vs 3 :O gl c4
League: CB ET Europe 3v3 Ladder
widze, ze kolega ogarnia zarty -_-
GL c4 ;*
kaz1o0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Jedziesz alkoholiku
gl c4
pl rABit
pl atr
pl sosji

HF Chlopaczki :DDDDDDD
hf c4 :))))))
gl ketchup
gl both
zzzz was trollin the odds n forgot to withdraw in last minute ffs

You have € 2842 on es sT
Possible win: € 11311.16

Nice trol
You have € 906 on c4
You won € 1214.04 NP
<nenko> yes
<rABit> thx 4 the game
<rABit> please accept results
<nenko> fuck off
<rABit> haha

nice... ;{D
You insult too, i guess you dont wanna show that

Neither that you're teammember, the one who wins the game for you, wasn't playing with a valid tzac guid, just a random one.

Oh, and stop harassing our team to play offis, since we're the only points you can get out there
Reportalo, si jugaba con la guid que no era, al menos cancelarán el partido en gtv xD

por favor, jajaj
ya está reportado, pero eso no cambiará absolutamente nada, son polacos, es algo natural en ellos
hahah Bartekje = sosji

fu tards!
sosji tzac = 00014650
Bartejek tzac = 827

fu tard!
hahah are you stupit ??

Nick sosji
Clan C4 *
Name Bartek

co za kurwa kacapy
Oh, so he's name is Bartek, that proves its him....

For the last time, kid, the tzac guid bartek used is not registered in the entire clanbase website, meaning that he is not allowed to play, get it?

Y aprende a hablar en inglés, giri gilipollas
nice way of embarassing yourself there, admiting that even when we're a low team you need to cheat in some way

and ofc we're the only team you can win, thats why you wrotte me 8 times so far asking for a match
C4 not played the team even once against you!

cheat? hahaha THX & FU !
off course not....but you're the same douchbag there playing, aren't you? So fu, bb
no comment for u man...