Anexis eSports vs Queens (9735 views)

gb R0SS
gb sqzz
ee Night
fi squall
it XyLoS
be mAus
gb razz
lv clown
fi miNd
nl perfo
se NuggaN
pl kot
Battle For Berlin: Grand Final
15.11.11 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Battle for Berlin
Manager: baggiez (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 36456
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
gb QuadV Audio
By: TosspoT
Listen to TosspoT
Language: English
xx #GameFrog Radio
By: Benjii
Listen to Benjii
Language: French

Total Slots: 21,294
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


Could very well be an exciting. On paper, Anexis should win, but we'll see what happens!
must not fap

mAus needs to get back in shape. Making dmg by being sheit!

gl hf both
easy for razz n sqzz :c
gl anexis :)
gl mind and razz
going wth anexis this time... gl
gl both! will try to watch ;)

Omg, no-lifers, who the fuck spend two evenings in a row in front of his computer?
lets combinate.

u cannot wahtch cuz u got no time -> u know that u can watch replay later -> so u want see the chat of ur nolifers?
just want to listen to Tosspot!
what r u talking about 2 evenings? mind and razz spend EVERY evening in front of the computer, razz had like a 2 week break or something where he was only on 5 times a week as opposed to the normal 7 nights, whereas mind has been on every single night without fail.. it's unbelievable.. probably the same goes for clown and squall and co, but only assuming..
rly? oh man =DDDDDDDD
Rofl, this is worst than it seems :DDDD
i dont mean just nights btw, this is early for them, im talking about mixes in the day, offis in evenings and 3on3's until 4-5 in the morning, waking up around 4 in the afternoon and repeating the process...........
U really are the most entertaining guy on this planet. Every single statement you honor us with is so damn fucking funny.
:D it's true though .. also look at mousecon, they wake up in mornings just to play ET, some people have serious issues
ive never heard so much bullshit, we all no your the biggest gekk with the biggest nose in the community get back to uni and stop commenting on websites to make it think you were once good.
y u mad 4?

truth hurt maybe???
Well.. on the other side, it's not my own business..
But i'm still gonna miss this fucking epic match!
wow you have life :o cool
it gets worse, after razz pmed me on irc:

16:44:34 [razz] go check slac screenshots and see how much et ive played
16:44:37 [razz] i barely play

so i checked:

.......... 12 hours a day
Good match to win money =)

Last time that Anexis have lost, was the 05.06.11
Against g2p
gl sqzz squall maus xylos kot
gl to both, excluding miNd asslicker :P
RAZZ = WIN! :)
razz? sqzz?
tosspot not here :S
gl mAus.sqzz.XyLoS <3
Avi :)
450+ viewers incoming ;)
tosspot cast aswell so i gotta go with 600 views
ye, cant await a cast thats out of sync all the time ;d
already 477 in the semifinal yesterday.
is that meant to be a lot? a tournament where baggiez spends his entire day on cf writing about it, tosspot casting again, and the "best" teams in ET ... and that's meant to be a lot? even double would have been disappointing
honestly 500 players is what i think is whole et community left, and i dont think there will be more than yesterday
wow you were right torm, not even 1 viewer since it got cancelled
anexis vs g2p only got so many viewers coz i was spreading the match like the bible, other people just need to do the same.. after a short while people will just be more interested in watching these matches instead of someone having to actually point out that there is an important match happening. by the time next LAN comes if people are more aware of upcoming games, could get way more than CiC7 finals & so on.
Let´s spam it. It´s bible!
Gl miNd!!
quens thx to mind for losing this game
lmao manj, what a legend

16:45:01 [razz] sqzz got more screens than me
16:45:08 [razz] go call him a geek u big nerd

gl tonight mate! gonna be the first time i watch ettv in like 3 months!
your so cool
thx mate, u 2 with ur gunglasses in ur facebook n all ;))
you want his cock any futher down your mouth you paki?
lol as hell
u seem so mad nowadays, go out and get some fresh air druwyn mate :( and i dont mean going to gym by yourself.. :D
gl anexis, kot, clown!

hf sqZz

gl kot :)
gl gav druwyn <3
fuck the police
You have € 500 on Queens
Possible win: € 4500

challenge accepted
goooooooooooo anexis & GL nuggan, kot razz,
gl Squall :) and Good Luck Anexis :)
hehe :)
Gl Anexis!
gl nait :).
gl to both, excluding miNd asslicker :P
RAZZ = WIN! :)
4-0 anexis good night
Guess I'll watch the first match after a long time!
butchji <3
Come back to this game, cuz its dying too fast :PpPpPpPP
hau mal wieder rein :p
except people actually care cos its me
mind out, flop in = 4-2 queens
cmon mind is good ... they dont need flop^^
Mind is good, but flop is the best ;D
+1, flop better teamplayer :]]
yes, +1
+1 from kamz and +1 from altsi = over 9000 :)
hehe :) true dat :) over 9000 :D
benji vs tosspot omg omg
Will be an interesting one...

gl vaiko ;)
Well it would be easy for ROSS the BOSS and vaiko & sqzz i guess 4-0,
atleast on the other side we have top players like nuggan, mind, kot, perfo & clown.

Well razz will be here at 21:55cet, he pracced the last night untill 5 o'clock dunno if that will help today.

cheers gl to all viewers and to mind & anexis :)
5am et wasn't because of this offi, he does it every morning.
Why the fuck would viewers need good luck you fat fucking cow
unscheduled because of noBra!n vs Quintuple
wheeeeeeeeen ;_;?
anexis vs queens y u no stable day
such bad adminning, forcing anexis to play when international football is on :DD

harsh on anexis, heard xylos was with his gf and maus was studying, it's not there fault that they don't play every hour of the day like mind and razz, for example. but i guess baggiez wouldn't understand since he's constantly online on crossfire.
unscheduled ? :<
ohh... fuck off :<
Thank god this is rescheduled, now I can see Colombia beat the crap out of Argentina @ the WC qualis!
Hi Guyz, can somw1 tell me where exactly can I watch the game?
Am I supposed to join a server or can i watch it from here?

Pour les francais:
Ou est-ce qu'on regarde le match exactement, je suis nouveau et je sais pas si je dois le regarder en spec sur le serveur ou ils jouent ou autres....
normalment dessou les info du match tas Radio Comentary et Enemy territory TV. Ben quand le match comance, iauras ecrit l'ip d'un serveur ou tu pouras spec le match dessous Enemy Territory TV, et si tu veut tu peut aussi ecouter des cometaires mais cest plus compliquer, tu dois ouvrir avec un programe de lecture audio, mais ia un decalage de temps avec les comentaires et cque tu spec dans le serv, donc tu dois pause l'audio aumoins 20/30 secs, et puis defois ils donent des temps genre quand le match comance ils disent 3.. 2.. 1, a c momenet tu fais pause dans ton VCL/Windows media player, et quand tu vois dans ton ordi que le match comance dans 3..2..1 ben tu fais lecture comme ca les comentaires et cque tu spec ca seras tout au meme moment
Le match a été décalé à une date ultérieure, "unscheduled", regarde de temps en temps cette page pour savoir quand il sera joué (s'il est joué un jour).

e : I don't care about the winner tbh just wanted to watch a great show.
cant belive this shit
You have € 412 on eu Queens Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2443.16
QUEENS!! Best final ever... forfeit!
Queens have reluctantly agreed to take the forfeit and are willing to play against Anexis on another date for the GTV audience.

You have € 161 on Queens
Possible win: € 906.43
gl mAus :D!
gl Night <3
gl kot <3
Go go xylos!!
Gogo squalli!!
squalliiiii \w/
gl squall & sqzz & maus ;)