Team Decerto vs Team Elevate. (7217 views)

nl saKen
nl joshua
nl SQuid
pl fanatic
pl grzesiek
au Remedy
au Millan
au biggz-
kr Agera
ca punkk
au bishy

CyberGamer Australia | CyberGamer Europe
Premier League Match
20.11.11 11:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CyberGamer ET 5v5 Prize Leagues » Matchlink
Manager: biggz (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 26981
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 36


11:30?? gaming directly after clubbing? me gusta
where is an7homatic?!
gl elevate
gl MElO
gl AnTho
play offi's every morning -> still lose to noobs
gl fanatic
i avi 4 u :) :P
gl mousecontrol
gl&hf mousecontrol
gl punk
lol etienne, tu te reveille tu a cette heure la ou tu va juste pas dormir
réveille, c'est fucking tôt!
Easy for Saken

gl millan & joshua
Lol, Ubik are like the Pommy Cricket team, full of fookin imports :P
gl MElO, AnTho
GL Millan auBro :D
You too with what ever you are doing :)! Let us know when you can/want to play ET.
fanatic nerd
subakk busted :D
Z tego co wiem to nie busted.
subakk aka ekkie ? :D aka hawel tak ?
ja chociaz sobie pogram o tej 11:30 z nudow, a ty co o 11:55 przyszedles tutaj zeby napisac komenta co za nerd
Twoje rozumowanie jest idiotyczne, koles wyrazil swoj poglad (zarazem przypominajac Ci) ze jestes nerdem aby to ludzie wiedzieli i zebys sie wkurwial :)
Wiec jego komentarz jest bardziej celowy niz ta twoja odpowiedz.

fanatic nerd i chuj :-D
el cztery zet
idz sie dalej kurwic ze swoja fota na eslu, jedyny portal gdzie za ryj nie banuja
a Ty jak chcesz grywac na ettv to jakos to rob, bo zeby gorzej od fanatica grac to juz skandal
what u expect, he lives with his mother and all he does is play ET everyday
today I played first time since 10 days, unlike your best friend above. nothing changed in this shit game, im still the best
haha sure thing, u r online every time i come online and always playing so shut the fuck up idiot :D
+1 fanatic <3
gl fanatic
hf saKen, fanatic
gl punkk
mousecon will play vs xFx straight after this game, gtv will be up for it too just can't set it up right now.
You have € 10 on au #e`
Possible win: € 364.4
oh we got a situation here
grzesiek was amazing today
lol @ time