Men of honor vs slayers team (6886 views)

28.06.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: cid (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite

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Radio Commentary
de HeadShot Radio Shoutcast
By: bandiT
Listen to bandiT
Language: Polish

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de - ETTV
By: Daywalkerat (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


lineup ?
gl skyu i reszto chaloty :X
A ladder match? ...
League: CB ET Europe 6v6 Ladder
isnt it a "Ladder" ?
MoH line-up:

oso o jona
CID pwnzor:) <3
gl jona
yzy for unobvious guys!
izi bash for sT :)
I want neOm :P
haha i want too xD
chuj wam w dupah slayers team (:
w dupe m8 w dupe ;]
oh well YOU would know where the chuj is...
in his pants, nP4him. how about u- find 1?
nice try, but it wasnt really funny =]
gl MoH
My money on sT.
easy money
GL MoH! :D
gl mates :)
MoH fo sho
trameada de cb y nos borran la cuenta GL cb :D
normal si jugais con chetosos...
I think sT - how about you ?
all my money on slayers :)
all my money on hackers
haxor vs haxor

U are wrong, our mom vs mE :)
sT Lineup:


and 2 random cheats
slayers team probably lineup:
bn Mu$ix (etbot 1.2v)
zw SkyLine (nexus v6.0b)
sa Leraie :)
bm dEAz (unexpected)
bz khain (all cheats avaible in ET)
by vEG (human b0t)
hahahha our opponent has been banned -> ;D:D:D N1CE
this is not funny ;(
a q ekipo le han cerrao la cuenta por tener algun cheto en el clan? dime alguno anda, q oyes campanas y no sabes donde....

Segundo no pone nada del cheto en cb, esto es trameada de royality by menso the most noob atm in ET :)
Por lo que veo es una trameada que hicisteis en un partido de ladder donde pusisteis un resultado fake.
banned team against polish cheaters
GL sT :)
pwned by mens0 i guess :D
menso you would never change your ridiculous match versus us at the oc final. Gl
I don't want to change anything. That it wasn't done by me (check the clankillcomment) doesn't change the fact that you are a bunch of unfair retards, who tolerate proven cheaters and are probaly cheater by themselve. My care level for a CB 2nd Division win is really lower than my toenails.
He wtf? I didn't do anything, but ok.
MOH banned
not banned, just count removed by a fake math result.

Probably cheater by themselve, it is what i call whinezor because of your care of cb 2nd division xD n1 menso, we win and we got nothing, you whine and fuck us, and what have you got? ok ok, but you dont care...
he get 40 cm penis all night :) it is my penis pnz :P

he supused, we tolerated, wtf is that only supused... supused... supused...

we dont tolerate cheat, but u are the whine kid n1 Menso, and sure u abuse of ur power in CB, but np man the next time i pwned u very hard, it is the part fun of game for me, not the whine... not the cup ...

get a life
intento de dureza? o.0