Keskus Rikos Poliisi vs (6353 views)

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20.11.11 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Provok (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 22602
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16


izi 4 Le sticked!
Gl Sticked
goudluck sticked
gl hf
lol look at what the krp lineup has become :DDDD
no offense bro, but don't you ever get tired of yourself?
Missä olla t0psuii ?
no t0psu no win
Vanhis GL ;))
good luck mates
no AnTho no win :D
il sera en train de chasser du kangourou a cette heure :D
je dirais plutôt de la gazelle :{D
gl hf both :--)
50 sur abdelairji, 50 sur Arnould
Koli ei imo saa pelaa ja kyl meitsi kait pelaa tos offis emt, mikä toi lineup on tai kuka sen sinne on heittäny :o
varmaa autofill/kattonu jostai muust pelist. en mäkää saa pelaa
Ootko liian hyvä?
sekin, mut jos on pelannu EC:tä ni saako pelata oc:ta? :P
Mun mielestä ei saa, en oo kyl ihan varma.
Jep, kyl se näi o. nyt meen panee :D
gl krp
gl krp
Gl vanhaomena !! <3
hf KRP bro's!
gl sticked :)
GL Sticked!
Provok <3
gl les sticked ;)
nice to know, we'll see wether we can get 6. would've been nice of you to contact me or something :(
delete the line-up for now, will pm you with a correct one later
I added some dates to CB and someone from KRP agreed on Sunday 21.30, thought you knew it, sorry :(
CB prolly forced it, np
blindi heitä cf:s viestii jos tarviitte! voin tulla jos ette saa kuutta! :)
c'est parti pour la course manix / air qui gagnera ?
GL sticked =)
gg, gl in finals
ggs, dont take my blabbering personally
gg, gl in finals