Epic #epic-eSports vs Lost Soldiers (5818 views)

fr beck
fr gast
fr talG
fr Kallenge
be Azur
fr Simoon
de laNgo
be Buzzer
de caTchEr
md eujen
nl Artifex

ET 6on6 OpenCup
Fall 2011

Premier League
Playoffs: UB Round 2
20.11.11 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: DanLanGo (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3
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Total Pot: € 34517
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


gl Ton <3
gl lost, please win =D else cu on loserbracket
Izi buzzer !!!!
Gl laNgo und Co.! :)
viel Glück ls Freunde :)
buzzer oublie pas tes nuggets
gl epic, hf lost
Told you we couldn't make it on sunday. We are avi on monday, you ain't. Let's play tuesday or something. I'll check that with goldorak cause we never agreed on sunday. CB automatically forcing matchs again :x
tbh idc - you said only menth is missing on sunday so get one of your x-backups - problem solved?!
Maybe we wanna play with the whole line up ?
well you had x-lineups in the last few weeks so dont whine if a "mainlineup" player is missing ":D"

play it on sunday or get a noshow - zero tolerance policy by lost & cb
shareholders approves u.
alright smartass, you ain't the one who will decide about it anyway
but you also do not decide - and cb decided to force the match to sunday 20th - smartass ":D"
if you can contact goldorak till tomorrow i could agree to play on next wednesday 21.30cet if cb will accept this (to stop the retarded behaviour)
aight, i'll let you know
fix the line up please: jpachu instead of SIMOON, lkabrakakabra instead of Azur, srRALCUL instead of kallenge, [flag=nigga]prodigy instead of menth
Match forced to tha last proposal : http://clanbase.ggl.com/league_schedhist.php?frame=1&lsid=904953 aka Lango of Lost for 20 Nov @ 21h30.
Why dont u reschedule at time ? honestly i CANT do anything to change it except if oponent agree to play it on monday.
and when i would agree to play it on wednesday (1 day too late for playoffweek, but look at true destination vs skup butulek they play their first playoffs game on sunday 0o?) is this possible?
das is CB digga! :D
Mehr ESL spielen winter league kommt bald h3h3.
yes they agree to play 2 games in the same day, if they cant they will be set as 1-0 forfeit lost
You have € 500 on eu epic
Possible win: € 3975

gl lost
Hf les épiques ::) et buzzer
best of luck talg and beck :)))))))
hf catcher ^^
Gl simoon le mec qui joue avec des busted dans 10 teams differents en 1 an..
- Simoon
+ achu
gl mister simoon,talg<3,kallenge,azur!et tg beck xDD
Gl simoon le mec qui joue avec des busted dans 10 teams differents en 1 an..

and gl beck, azur, kallenge, talG, vjto
moi je veux connaitre ces noms!!! des busted ^^
moi je veux connaitre ces noms!!! des busted ^^
GL b3ck plus toute la génération msn ;D et mon guide mirc ;D gogo <3
gl eujen & VJTO :)
gl Lost Soldiers
gl both
HF Vtjo:)
lololo war
tails mofo
no MENTh no win...