c4. vs ES PÄRINÄT (4210 views)

pl rABit
pl sosji
pl kaz1o0
fi innahh
fi morso
fi ZeeTa
20.11.11 13:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Rabit (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 2771
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 28


gl sosu
gl sosu palo :D
might wanna give us server ip in #Palyboys ?
hf kazio
wypierdalaj rabit cwelu
cant do shit vs polaks with wrong tzac guid :[
When a team starts off agrees to the terms and conditions!
Match result ES PÄRINÄT win from C4 by forfeit
and gain 10 rating points (C4 lose 120 points)

umad bro?
The opponent is weak and there is no honor! it is not fair and not part of a fair result!
When a team starts off agrees to the terms and conditions!
<zeeta> you just lost em
<rABit> C4 4:0 ES PÄRINÄT
<rABit> this is rly score!
<zeeta> yeah
<rABit> cb 0:1 ?
<zeeta> ingame
<rABit> why!
<zeeta> in cb
<zeeta> 0:1
<zeeta> cause
<zeeta> wrong guids
<zeeta> it just goes by the book..
<rABit> 4:0 should be the result of the CB and it is fair!
<zeeta> :D:D:D
<rABit> ;(((((
fimorso aka Tursas
fihurrdurr aka innahh
And your point is?
C4 won 4:0! ...

ES PÄRINÄT win from C4 by forfeit
and gain 10 rating points (C4 lose 120 points)

... nC
"C4 Used player whos not on their lineup according to tzac guids."

U better use the real tzac guids/players next time if u want to win
You must complain about the 'merc' before you start the game, once you start you accept them using a merc, so they won 4-0.
and they must ask about using a merc. Also an merc is not allowed to play with the same nick as someone from the lineup.
Mitähän vittua te taas höpötätte? Jos ootte alottanu sen pelin ni sillä ei oo mitään välii tuloksen kannalta onko siel kuka pelaamassa ja millä nimellä.
sano sit syy minkätakia cbssä on lineupit? kerta kukavaan voi pelata millevaan tiimille ihan tostanoinvaan niin onko mitään hyötyä pitää mitään lineuppeja?

edit. niiden pitää yhä ilmottaa että niillä on merc.
No luulen että mulla on hieman enemmän tietämystä cb säännöistä, jos noi valittaa scoresta adminille se muutetaan 4-0.

Cóz, mysle, ze mam troche wiecej wiedzy o CB zasady, jesli noi odwolania scoresta administrator zmienil go 4-0.
admin oli erimieltä.
No kyllä siellä ihan oikee score on :)
mitäköhä vittuuu nää selittääää :D mäki tiiän et oot oikees
<3 +1 Webe!!
the player who knows what's going on!
you still need to ask for using an merc. u lost.
subakk cwel :D
ej moje pieniadze kurwa ! forfeit kurwa!
wygrali my, ale to ze dziwki placza o pkt to juz nie moja wina :(
on mial na mysli ze postawil na fintardow -_-
zamknij cipe i ogladnij mecz bo uczciwie wygralismy 4:0!

<rABit> 4-0 is a fair result for C4 clan!
<tursas> Cant change it anymore
<rABit> Write to admin! it will be fair
What has this game come to...
idd ! polaks ruining it :(
C4 win from ES PÄRINÄT with 4 to 0 rounds
and gain 52 rating points (ES PÄRINÄT lose 104 points)

this is fair!

fu fintards!

+ u will get yellow card for using sosu

+ he will get ban for multiaccount

+ you are polak

+ you forgot to take your daily dose of zyklon b