zeroskill vs PowerMaurerClanGermany (4967 views)

pl zefir
pl bam
pl robol
pl ragnak
pl samraj
pl feanor
de sh1zzel
ru ALex
de FeniX
de Thrill
de Schebek
de stylor
21.11.11 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: c0bra|PMCG (Generaladmin)
Maps: Karsiah_te2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7917
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


do boju o finał!
go go zs.. xd
gl ZS :)
PMCG Showtime, Thrill - z RTCW pamietam tych graczy, bedzie Wam cholernie ciezko, goscie graja razem od ladnych paru lat

Robol nie daj dupy, nie badz soba :D
??? in english would be better! ;D
he remember thrill and showtime from the old RTCW times, it will be very hard for us to win, they play since a lot of years together

robol dont be noob , so dont be yourself
a ze niby my nie mamy graczy z czasow rtcw?:D
znajda tylko, chyba nikt wiecej klanowo w RTCW nie gral, sp sie nie liczy :D
conte grasz?
ja za slaby jestem by grac
hf Macku ! :^)
gl samraj
lineup : samraj, zefir, robol, feanor, ragnak, bam
go go zs!
gl samraj :)
gl zerosy!
gl samraj
hf both
gl samraj and c0bra !!
gl PMCG !

You have € 100 on PMCG
Possible win: € 198
gl both :)
Need new ETTV server for this match :(

Current one doesn't have karsiah?
we wanna see karsiah!!
omg omg omg ALex noob
You have € 170 on de PMCG
Possible win: € 321.3

bb e-money
You have € 25 on pl zs
You won € 53
lächerlich, so schlecht hahahaa
You have € 75 on zs
You won € 159