Keskus Rikos Poliisi vs Delinqüentes (6475 views)

fi Blindi
fi mana
fi repje
fi t0psu
fi Sample
fi tMuhh
es magico
be eden
fi Karii
fi nixuuu
de flR
fr Snatix
27.11.11 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Blindi- (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11642
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 20


mana <3
Easy for krp <3
es magico
be eden
fi nixuuu
fi Karii
de flR
fr Smadix

gl krp
izi for krp but snatix gonna roll
gl snatix
gl snatix
i hope del winz, but as always it will be krp random trollage.. fucking shit naps
pwn em hard flr ^ gl
hopefully :p but prolly it wont happen :/
gl flR & Karii
2 izi 4 topsu
suerte magico
gl papi! <3
gl all
gl kRp
gl t0psu
gl krp blindiii :))
gg wp
GG 4-2 delinQ
ggs, wp & gratz delinQ m8s :-)
gg papiii
You have € 25 on delin
You won € 124
Expected with Snatix!
Snatix ownaage, topsu to mutch spare time: xfire 68 hours in 1 week
Quote by Blindii- Tuesday, 1st November 2011 23:34there is stupid and then there is betting against KRP.

You have € 2000 on krp
You lost
wp all m8s

vitun paskat.
Voit puuttuivat
mitä tarkoitat?
minulla ei ole aavistustakaan :D
wat? :D
krp low bobs hahahaa
and who cares about random mix and random ladder??? u fucking ugly nerds hahahahhaah fintards bluahaaubaua
u lost vs magico team muAAAAAAAAAAaaahhhhhhhhhhhh nooobs tlololototlol

deal with it nerds

forever OC :XD
you have lost to me like 2442142 times :D

and KRP > you so far
Yeah we lost sometimes in 3on3 but in last final oc u got raped 4;2 :)
True your team was kinda good for my team on the beginning (talking about shit prac vs your team) but after our prac 24/7 we just rolling your team ( in ladders and OC ) :)
TBH I am not such a retard like fintards to search and paste pics with our wins and posting them on CF (wowo i killed mAus with 3 headshoots omfg!)
You really took that loss a bit too hard.
KRP really took that won a bit too hard
It's not like you've been making any sense to begin with, but now you're just tripping on Zyklon-B
nice admitting u and ur buddyies needed to nerd hard 24/7 for months to get onto such a level. and winning 4:2 isnt a rape either. you dont need to post anything to tag yourself as acomplete idiot. ur doing fine by just writing. besides that, for a (former?) ESL admin your behaviour is even more retarded and pathetic, esl guys should be really ahsamed giving you an admin spot. before u start a blablablaing me for being shittier and stuff, because of being less nerdy - i dont give a god damn fuck about that.
yeah, whine more nazi
Nothing about whine tbh, just prooving that what you're saying is really stupid
just true story bro

maybe we can play another offi some day. there's no need to whine
aren't you meant to be an admin or something
lol who are you?
tMuhh liaskois? :D