Queens vs pwners!? (4053 views)

fr An7ho
is phyzic
de scoof
si seareal
ee aijhz
26.11.11 01:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: flopje (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 20904
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 34


go fabien <3
hf phyzic
GL An7ho !
You have € 50 on pwners!?
Possible win: € 1047.5

gl seareal
You have € 100 on pwners!?
Possible win: € 2114

Lost to Stray, no faith.
Well they lost only cuz kiwi carried so much and stray was low as usual :D
An7ho fait gagner les Queens pour une fois ;P
gl An7ho
GL seareal :D !
wtf im @ school o.O im not playing .. ;D whos that chingo under my nick
um 01:00 Uhr am Freitag? Was da los
mensch allgemein bin ich nicht mal zuhause ich bin beim freund und morgen hab ich schule o.O wer ist das?? :P
Die Aim LEGENDE mit den GEILEN Movies!! Hast deine große Chance verpasst mit ihm zu spielen :X
;D hihi
obv flop just entered the wrong lineup cuz it was me playin (smoothie)... tho i never used scoof :D
phyzic told me that lu ;)
where is razz? wtf?

Back from Club after ~ 2 Hours? PROFIT
you actually take him seriously or what
I am master student :))) Not young and staying out foolishly until 5 in the morning
you are a faggot. ZING. lololololol
but ur fat. lol.
u call other people no lifers when all u do is flame people on games tv ... nice life there bud
he just wanna take his most hated title back again
more like most annoying nerd :d
back? like i ever lost it lol ;Dd

i mean who else could take it? seareal? blindi? :DDDDDDDD people don't even give a shit about these guys, in order to be most hated u have to make people love to hate you and everybody loves to hate me
I hate u.