gaming2perfection vs Queens (21885 views)

Grand Final
G2P needs to win twice, the game won't be split up!
G2P needs to win twice, the game won't be split up!
04.12.11 21:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET EuroCup XXIV » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Not announced | |
On Demand | ![]() |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: TosspoT |
![]() Language: English |
Total Slots: 1,000
Listener Peak: unknown
Listener Peak: unknown
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 446
Viewer Peak: 446

2nd :)

viel spaß kresti stowni und flop ;)
._ .
izzi for Queens!
zeig was du kannst kresti :)
Gl g2p und stowni ;)
I think g2p will take it :D
easy for AoW people ! Especially Stownage =)
gl sqzz
Last game for g2p
Make it epic to watch!
Make it epic to watch!
katakana zLoL
gl sqzz,nuggan,kresti !
ez dave
where is kot!
gl nuggan, razz and sqzz.
gl kresti & g2p
gl ROSS <3
EC Grand Final -> 2 stars?
ET is dead
u dead idiot
alles noobs außer simon!
geht ja garnicht!
gehts zu ende
wie gut das es rechtschreibung war und kein gramma ~.~
,dass* wenn du schon so schlau sein willst. :pPp
interessanterweise kommen solche Sprüche fast immer nur von grammatik- und rechtschreibschwachen Leuten...
guter Mann
wie gut dass es spass war und kein ernst ~.~
beides ist möglich (die alte rechtschreibung wird teils noch als richtig anerkannt)
wohl eher: die neue Schreibweise wird boykottiert
vllt. im österland, in deutschland definitiv nicht.
where is
Dropsik ?

make it fun, gl both!
for ec final?????

Ec final ???
GL nuggan :)
there wont be more than 500 viewers
There should be tbh, these are the only two decent teams in EC and only ones worthy of EC final. Although there are some other good teams such as k1ck ... and well that's it ?
ye i totally agree.
but ET is just dead, look at how many gtv comments for an EC Final ....
I will be suprised if this match will have over 500+ viewers.
e: And finding a 6v6 takes like 30 mins/1 hour.
but ET is just dead, look at how many gtv comments for an EC Final ....
I will be suprised if this match will have over 500+ viewers.
e: And finding a 6v6 takes like 30 mins/1 hour.
6o6 killed ET :]
Actually it did.
But 5on5 is so boring :<
But 5on5 is so boring :<
that would be good
two star EC grand final?
indeed. should be 1star
ur generous matthias
so? Seems right to me.
because u are missing in the lu =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
gl queens
gl NgN
gl Queens
gl g2p
gl NuggaN:)
now or never dave.
isn't missing the "g2p must win twice" part?
Too much work for me to do this weekend so not gonna be able to catch this one which sucks.
GL both though. I think Queens will take it since Flop > miNd and enough skillors to carry razz's ass.
GL both though. I think Queens will take it since Flop > miNd and enough skillors to carry razz's ass.
So much love for me *.*
wanna marry me?
wanna marry me?
why so much hate about mind =O did he cheat on you or what
Just pointing out the facts that he plays 24/7 and still sucks lolz
At a certain point it just becomes pounding an opponent thats not fighting back. =P
Think after months of abuse, he finally gave up trying :DD
Poor fella :-(
Poor fella :-(
You finally realise what you do to me :'(
You finally realise what you do to me :'(
who exactly was dying to know that you can't watch this? you're a low+ troll if that.
Flopjehz dindt play well ;D
and why u saying that?
guess he looked at your dmg like most people do, to judge how well somebody played
Both games that Flop played, Queens won. When mind played, Queens lost. It shows you it ain't about what damage the rifle gets but how he plays with his teammates.
Both games that Flop played, Queens won. When mind played, Queens lost. It shows you it ain't about what damage the rifle gets but how he plays with his teammates.
perfo ?
Match is cancelled, will not be played.
again no dizel ! ! come on !
gl queens
EC final, 2 stars :))))
Gl sqzz razz R0SS and night
gl Night <3
Kresti gonna take a shit on your forehead razz.
GL Aimbot.NuggaN <3
GL both teams
nice teams in finale tbh :)
gl g2p
goooo Jere!
Is this gonna get played or?
?ro deyalp teg annog siht sI
will you split the game if g2p win the first one or what?
You have 64 on eu g2p
Possible win: 369.28
Possible win: 369.28
omg tosspot
always the same matches .
This game is dead.
Understand that -_-
This game is dead.
Understand that -_-
gl g2p
stownage in ec final, game deeeeeath!
he was playing at a higher level than you ever reached like 5 years ago
gratz bro
Gl boys!
have fun queens
GL GAV ; )
Next Week 6on6 CUP ! :)
will toss' cast be synced this time?
will it be split into 2 matches if needed?
G2P needs to win twice, the game won't be split up!

R0SS & corsa vs cranes (C) Zef!r
aww :( it would have been good if they didnt add the photoshopped ones at the end
going to watch :) gl both :)
radio dont work
go sqzz!
NICEKE JERE 1 op 6 tegen het slechtste team uit eerste klas!
NICEKE JERE 1 op 6 tegen het slechtste team uit eerste klas!
/care worde toch kampioen en ge hebt heel veel sjaans gehad tbh (+ ge kunt nie countere)
getting raped by antivoetbal, madmuch now :)
nope not even mad, gwn stating the obvious
viel glück jungs
das ist krestdibilis.
das ist krestdibilis.
frostbite ftw
easy for q , wont even watch
what an EC final ....
u have 378 on Queens
Possible win: 449.82
Possible win: 449.82
ettv down
nice servers for EC final :)
nice gtv... gratz
hmm? it's not gtv, some retard is crashing the server.
fucking 400+ viewers , tehhe who says ET is dead
random sc2 stream over 1000 viewers
exactly, streams.
people watching FPS games much prefer watching from servers, it's also more complicated than clicking a website link.
people watching FPS games much prefer watching from servers, it's also more complicated than clicking a website link.
You mean streaming ET-games would bring more viewers if advertised right?
no idea, I hate watching FPS streams, only QL is ok but there's no other option ;\
Same, I don't watch anything else than QL :P
Used Slots: 385
Viewer Peak: 410
410 ain't much
Viewer Peak: 410
410 ain't much
it's some guy named zaba polish retard.

fucking true shit match !
jere. maybe invest more than 10 euros in ur provider?
cant help it, some student internet, having this for 4 years already but just sometimes fucking up :)
its not his mother paying for it, unlike you
tank bug...
and thats why R0SS is a sad piece of shit.
worst son of a bitch on that community. by far... congratz Q
this is so sad i dont have words for that grush shit
worst son of a bitch on that community. by far... congratz Q
this is so sad i dont have words for that grush shit
What happened?
A lot of flame during the game :P
jere had like instant 600-900 ping on grush and R0SS didn't want g2p to get Clown, because he wasnt on the cb page of g2p
Do ppl actually believe that? I was being sarcastic for all their comments about not letting us use squall or mAus for razz and sqzz lagging. In the end i didnt stop them using clown.
blabla sarcasm... its just a shame that a prick like you represents that rest of the highlevel community left on the game
gratz for your pocal :) glad that i already quit that shit when the good times were over
gratz for your pocal :) glad that i already quit that shit when the good times were over
I know you have always had a grudge against me, this isnt the first comment. So im just gonna ignore it like most of the other random crap ppl post about me.
yea, actually youre right, i just reposted my opinion about you again. what you ignore and what you actually start thinking over aint my problem.
idd its my father :)
and afterall g2p was still able to beat the grush time when they had tankbug and Queens ignored to dmg it as a step of fairplay for more than a minute.
Wow i guess you bet on g2p because if u watch the replay i naded it twice and put arty on it, same for Night. It wouldnt have made a difference anyway.
despite this. tank got bugged for over a minute on grush while g2p attacked 2nd round and had all chances to win the map.. and ross afterwards said "why did u let it get damaged then?"
Watch the replay, i even tried to remove the bug with nades and arty. Just general hate as usual :D
glad i didnt listen to you and bet against you naabje
stfu fat prick
u threw an airstrike there idd, after u selfkilled and let plenty of time run down.. cant remember seeing a nade.
and just to let u know: im not interested in ur hate paranoia, afaik my name aint chry.
and just to let u know: im not interested in ur hate paranoia, afaik my name aint chry.
Ye u are right, i threw an airstike at it right after we realised it was bugged and pretty sure i threw a nade at it. Night was the one that arty'd it.
hey big man, haters gonna hate.

Probably broke his heart since he idolises TosspoT!
haha, indeed.
Kresti still wait for tank.
who is winning
gg grats Queens \o/ <3 Sqizzy
GG, thx for money
tosspot was awesum :~>
You have 4750 on eu Queens
Possible win: 5652.5
[20:53:46] <anexis-R0SS> we will lose
[20:53:47] <anexis-R0SS> 90%
Possible win: 5652.5
[20:53:46] <anexis-R0SS> we will lose
[20:53:47] <anexis-R0SS> 90%
You have 5000 on Queens
You won 5950
You won 5950
You have 22180 on eu Queens
You won 26394.2
actually really enjoyable match to spec! :3 I wonder how many viewers it would get if so many people weren't playing pracs and stuff!
on top of 450 it would have been actually quite nice ::d
You won 26394.2
actually really enjoyable match to spec! :3 I wonder how many viewers it would get if so many people weren't playing pracs and stuff!
on top of 450 it would have been actually quite nice ::d
what kind of comment is that? there are always people playing when matches are on, some people don't care about ettv and want to play with mates
in the past 6on6 channels etc were like completely empty during ec finals 8d
well maybe people aren't interested anymore then
no shit :d it's simple to fix. if i wasn't spamming this match around it would probably get like just over 300 viewers, maybe less. the only matches that made it over 400 viewers so far were whilst i was spamming them, the viewers are there they just lost that feeling to watch top matches. which is pretty easy to turn around, it went this far because of lack of coverage, shoutcasts etc etc, simple to fix.
it was rather Tosspot's cast than your spam that did the trick
you have quite a big ego m8
his cast is the reason the majority watched, true, but from spamming busy IRC channels (not only me) with the empty ETTV servers + info on the cast it attracted more attention and a much higher viewer peak. if you think it would have made it as high as it did without the spam you're just lying to yourself :(
+50 max more from spam and your bro's spam was moar attractive :D
I'm not arguing about what looked better, point is that the spam brought more views :d +50 is still +something. any additional viewers is good (even if your estimation is wrong).
no.. not just that ...
now look how many people commenting that normally wouldn't watch said they will watch, now also the people that didn't comment and still watched, now include your regular ettv viewers that always check gtv and now the ones that find out about it on cf and irc, throw in tosspot casting and throw in the fact that it's an EC final..
450 is pathetic, game is at it's all time low, no question about it
now look how many people commenting that normally wouldn't watch said they will watch, now also the people that didn't comment and still watched, now include your regular ettv viewers that always check gtv and now the ones that find out about it on cf and irc, throw in tosspot casting and throw in the fact that it's an EC final..
450 is pathetic, game is at it's all time low, no question about it
no doubt, this is the least active ET has been both ingame and spectator wise. all of the posts definitely brought more attention, can't guarantee all of the people who said they'll watch on ESR actually watched, but if they did then it was a successful post and should be taken advantage of in future 'big' matches. I just know that spamming ET channels ( / / / / #crossfire / national channels / merc channels etcetcetc) that have over a thousand unique idlers overall brought quite some extra attention. maybe didn't bring much, but the only matches that made it over like 250-300 viewers in the last few months were while people were spamming the IP's in busy IRC channels every 5/10mins. it adds something positive to the combination of other promotive actions like newsposts and such. :] people just lost interest and I'm sure with some changes to the teams competing and amount of shoutcasts / coverage in future the next EC season could bring way higher viewer peaks.
#et.6on6 * np
ye my bad, this separation between warchannels is retarded.
#et.5on5 #et.3on3 ??
Oh lag, you win.
dave cannot into pocal
no tank does!
ggs, nice tries
gl in g2p razz
gl in g2p razz
You have 350 on eu Queens
You won 416.5
You won 416.5

this game HAD IT ALL!
Gg wp queens have an awesome season
Wp g2p
Wp g2p
clown should have played from the start, he owned.
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 446
ET is Dead.
Viewer Peak: 446
ET is Dead.
Member Since 2nd March 2011
g2p isnt really intresting team... therefore viewer peak was low