encrypt vs FapOps (3965 views)

gb hvk
de mental
hr danl
hr diablos
se cupcake
si m1ke
gb koop
pl zmk
pl ridji
ca ritojehz
nl sQuid
si filus
05.12.11 22:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: RCUPSERIES » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: fREAK[rAMOS] (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8223
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 26


Splendid-Gaming 4tw!
- fumble + rito

too laggy :(
bedankt inktvis

You have € 1250 on FapOps
You won € 2137.5
You have € 215 on FapOps
You won € 367.65
no fumble no win oh wait
that Nyu is quite a pwner
who was that rampage guy!?
You have € 254 on pl FapOps
You won € 434.34
its pretty funny when fumble comes against splendid-gaming, he always changes the line-up, because if he doesnt he knows he will get raped.. Hense why he took zmk and another few mercs. WP fumble
it seems your butt is hurt
We had rito ...
incorrect, the fact is we had crmbs and potty, crmbs didnt know it was a 3 match cup today so he went offline after our first match.
Potty timed out for the second time and never came back (guessing he probably thought it was only one match too), hence why we took a drunk zmk and rito :)
zmk wasnt drunk, it was just SQuid making fun :)
ah makes sense.. was playing with him when he was drunk once, he just wouldn't stop singing!!
nice for changing lu after i bet