Team Survive vs Juurviljad (3280 views)

de stray
de Kevji
de kiwi
ee Elliot
ee synce
fr maskeritudkloun
05.12.11 22:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 0
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 6


unlucky couldnt bet, thanks for wasting our time also, noob
Quotedestray Tuesday, 29th November 2011 13:25
wir bumsen die immer easy du kacknup

: )
elliot has 1 team damage... how does someone manage to get
1 team damage :D?
You have € 0 on Juurviljad
You won € 0

Yessss thx jrv
when i'm requesting a game, why can't i connect on the Burner ETTV servers? Awaiting connectiong during over9000 seconds >_<
i loled
this is so embarrassing :D
they did like 7 mins on grush? wtf are you doing?!
Aiming for stats instead of objective?
we aren't playing as a team anymore - only stupid fails :D

dunno i guess we are to bad to roll med+ :D
cant watch ur games bro...stop losing
yeah hope skill coming back soon :D
get rid of stRay

ps. back from club