Chile vs Australia (8703 views)

cl nozzy
cl merce
cl wfd
cl switer
cl impulz
cl m@x
au Midas
au dongo
au Meadow
au Im_constructin
au Volta
au Pedro
QuoteThis CB ET SW NationsCup XIII match took a back seat to the earthquake in Chile last year. A year on we have decided to find out who really would have taken home Group C's wooden spoon!

11.12.11 15:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: biggz (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 30605
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 56


np 4 chile, suerte ctm's <3
i will have a great hangover :D
gl aus, different lineup to the EC. should be np.

the question is, hammer or midas to rnade?
[19:05] I'm_Constructing: xFx|midas play rifle vs chile i am awesome medic d8D
/callvote cointoss, and I call tails because tails never fails !
gl :)
no med+ cisek to chile?
gl Australia!! nice lu.
i'll be on my PC this time so should be a good match
gl Aus
oh my days where is casek ?!
gl aus xoxo
bull shaaarrrkkss ftw
gogo midas! i'll be watching you from the sidelines!
inb4 bN
talk shit get hit fagot
gl both, but no casek no win
no casek no win
no Nakez no win ;/
wheres casek?
heard he moved to "Dontgiveafuck-land"
he moved in with spiderman
where au AnTho ?

No casek, no Francis to watch.
just did auto-fill lé brother from another mother
gl both!
ahah gl both!
You have € 15 on AUS
Possible win: € 22.35

woah big spender
midas in team aus?

i could do that too!
100 big ones on aus
Gl Aus :)
and Switer :D
hf both x)
You have € 250 on M@X
That wooden spoon is ours boys !!! back off chile !
gl aussiess!
wheres bishy and blox1n P:
btw gona be played in american server?
Los Angeles
not sure, au darkn3ss might be but not sure if he will have everything setup in time
Well hope someone who can speak english can do it :D
im no where near good enough and im nz, not aus anyways haha.
nosy playing for chile haha
HF Both!
no casek no win
gl Chilean pwners :) <3
Chile and Australia, both countries i love
go Hammerkroooooooook !
gl AnTho
Nicest countries! :>
gl xFx

William to pawn
hf :)
GOGO switerrrrr
gl m@x
omg switer omg
omg wfd omg
omg max omg

terror aussies can play later now ha!?
nerd play computer game at 8am
ikr everyone at club and we gaming LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
aussies can play later, its the kiwis that cant play later
no nakez no win chile ;D
gl midas
u should shoutcast it ;)
Easy bash for Winghaven
gtv server???
esse m@x gosta de cheirar pum debaixo das cobertas
no nakez no win ;)
Australia needs some BlinG
Where is cl NAKEZ ?
gl m@x
gl switer and wfd ;)
Where is NAKEZ ?
who is who )?
Gl & Hf
gl both!
omg nationscupfeeling
avi for either team, /q reAlize- @ mIRC, won ec and ems
ghana? shaggy? casek?
no Nakez no win !
gonna watch it now ^^
gl both but Dongo gonna im cons & dongo gonna roll !
gl chile :D
gg chile wp

You have € 346 on CL
You won € 1224.84
You have € 2928 on CL
You won € 10365.12
You have € 111 on CL
You won € 392.94

gg mates wp!

should do it again sometime :D
You have € 40 on CL
You won € 141.6
wp amigos
It would have been shorter with clCasek.
wouldve been 4-0 for australia
You have € 672 on AUS
You lost

You have € 2928 on CL
You won € 10365.12

u mad
where is "no nakez no win" ??

You have € 50 on au AUS
You lost
:) GJ kurwas
gg (:
Did Chile really pull this one out of their asses LOL
You have € 109 on CL
You won € 385.86

You have € 59 on cl CL
You won € 208.86

easy money
gg switer
You have € 10 on cl CL
You won € 35.4

It was a good game. thought we had it on grush and supply but wasn't to be. wp