exile! vs Vindication eSport (5706 views)

pl Marvolo
pl Saddam
pl SonNy
fr ezz
fr Prosper
fr xPl / Nekfeu
12.12.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: GirljZE (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 4716
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


gogo Marv :)
Marv gl ;***
gl sonny
GL Marvolo i Saddam :D
HF marvolo, saddam - GL Vind
eXile <3
Gl Pl Mates :D :)
gl marv,saddam :)
Go vind go.
no smoke = wn
gl exile
marv saddam sonny gg
GL le francais<3
sorry mate but i cant see fr francis here (without the A his name is spelled!)
now you can /x:dX/D:dd eheheheheh
he wrote ur nick but u not in lineup, i'd do legal ways if i were in u bro
I would need to bring a lawyer at follow.et to deal with such issues.
u need to learn french :)
no thanks! :D
You'd have know that he has forgotten a s, meaning les francais ( the french ) =)
And you'd have know i was trollin mate
:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD bitchez dunno about u trolling bro
seems a newschooler though
izy for ezz le powner
Or not :)
gl xpl
izi 4 frenchies
btw. cant connect coz it says pb is on.
Polaks can't connect, expected.
No gtv.
Frenchmans like in '39. White flag and run run run...

... what a server
server was ok for nearly everybody, nearly.
of course... im sure that for you everything was ok. But almost all my friends couldnt join
I thought that i saw beautiful 4-0 for exile. Pity
2-0 vind atm ;)
and 3/4 of your friends could join so ... dunno what you're saying