Team Survive vs Queens (4076 views)

de stray
de gr0ss
gb razz
gb R0SS
is phyzic
fi mind
07.12.11 01:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 2390
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


lets see if razz plays any decent now, last game he was even worse than stray... HELL, even i had more headshots than he did, by a mile.
gl kiwi
lol razz playing for the 2 teams ?
keeping ET alive stray needed player
You have € 512 on de survive
Possible win: € 1244.16
You have € 100 on eu Queens
You lost

survive 3.07
1.48 Queens
The bets are closed.
no razz no win

nvm saw u lost match before anyway, ur all shit, no kamz no win .. what u expect with mind anyway, guy cant aim for shit
And u can aim?
Overrated terrorist.
i am like maus when compared to mind's shaky 20 acc aim lol
Without razz they won a map.
but with razz survive won the whole match
They won 4-0 without him :)
stray lowest dmg, ross highest... but ofc stray is better, couse he get carried by teammates and won
Well stray's dmg was lowest as usual, razz = win for survive :D
lol razz why would you play with survive?
when you dont want queens to lose points!???!!?
dass ich sowas noch erlebe,dass ein team,dass eher als medskill bekannt war,queens weghaut :D
deine Kommentare sind einfach so dumm.
Da kenn ich ja noch wen!
uglybunny sprach von medskill was hängst du spatzenhirn dich da wieder rein?