Kill 4 Fun vs Maenner ohne wirkliches Leben (6015 views)

12.07.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: potty (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
Supply Depot

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Radio Commentary
de Sonatix Radio
By: lblbw
Listen to lblbw
Language: de

Total Slots: 50
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
dk [HESS] ETTV #2
By: Stringer (ettvd)
nl #snd-gaming ETTV
By: potty (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


Gl K4f :)))
MowL ftw !!!
polo gogogo =)
Your bet: 5€ on K4F
Possible Win: 206.00 € (+201.00 €)
Erm well i guess il post line up soon xD
gl hf mowl
Line up for k4f looks somthing like this:
stfu !
gusche, is doch funny :d
low vs. low/+ !!!!!!!! woohoo ich kenne bei ned!
comments like that only make ppl think that ur low, not the clans ur refering 2. so plz stop
HF potty :)
gl potter
potty and potter completly different people....

gl potty anywho
Vane wtf :D!

nice going dude get your ass on gamestv you BITCH :D!
just joking men!

gl mate ;)
mowl lineup?
21st =)
wer will sowas sehn?
gl mowl

k4f ham wir 3maps als mixed abgezogen, also np4u denk ich mal :-)
luv man luv come watch this game if u want some entertainment :) btw thnx maxi :P
ettv yeah :/
Your bet: 15€ on K4F Possible Win: 57.90 € (+42.90 €)

money potty pls :D
K4F Got Raped hard by my old clan. Mowl will take this.
gl cwg but then in low skills!
That is not our First .MowL/ Squad

Gl Second Squad
does not lose :)
Bin mal gespannt, ob wieder irgendwelche schwachsinnigen Specs vom K4F US-Squad das Match mit dümmlichen Kommentaren begleiten müssen.
^^ easy bash für mowl würd ich ma sagen
wie beide clans voll low sind und die funspasten kenn ich ned mal lol so lowwww
izi 4 djigi x)
he's fuckin noob -.-
Kill 4 Fun 2.62 vs 1.62 Maenner ohne wirkliches Leben Total pot: 1337 €
Your bet: 10€ on MowL
Possible Win: 16.20 € (+6.20 €)
Gl MowL
crank / mogli unso? :D:D:
i only replied to your comment so turkish wont be 40th :D
turkish ppl dont deserve to be the 40 th place
they dont have an et team, cuz they dont have internet in their country, they are all in germany^^
40th ;o
The game's on Thursday ;)
0:0 y? :<
Kemm int iblah j/k :P
moWl ftw =)
I hate you

der leader glaubt nichtma an sein eigenes team....tzzz
bb mowl
izi 4 mowl
gl djigi and vane <3
thx s1x ;) we'll try to win this one since its the second squad shouldn't be that hard
match of the week!!!!!!!!!!
warum spielste mit ? XD
was willst du? das war ironisch gemeint, weil beide so verfickt low sind!
un du hast nicht verstanden, das meteora dich auf den Arm genommen hat
n1 kleiner gbooky nazi!
GBooky Capital: 88 € [GBooky profile]

:DDDDD fjedn man
wer bist du jetz bitte? spast!
lblbw hats erfasst ;)
omg so wnb haft wie raptji ! is echt keiner meint weil er jetzt bei replay spielt issa jetzt ueberhugh gg junge wer erwachsen ohne scheiß
1. lern replyn
2. was hat das mit replay zu tun?
3. bist du 14
du deinen comments nach auch
lineup for k4f is
Yea i cant make it tonight. Gl both teams :)
MowL has now no more a 2nd leauge squad
the 4 members of this squad left Mowl so defwin for k4f
sry guys for this trouble
sad story i hope my panda can help u.