Lost Soldiers vs True Destination (7103 views)

de caTchEr
be Buzzer
md eujen
nl Artifexx
de laNgo
nl Banaan
nl xPERiA
nl Lun4t1C
nl Loekino
nl Sa7z
gb DarK

ET 6on6 OpenCup
Fall 2011

Premier League
Playoffs: Grand Final

Please notice:
True Destination need to win twice

2nd game - true won first with 4:2
11.12.11 22:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: DanLanGo (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8004
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 54


Lost is gonna win this time!!!
gl #bd.com
FUCKING RETARDS... if u say u wont split up the game then DON'T DO IT ...
wow regst dich wegen 35€ auf? :D
nö, einfach nur dumm sowas, no split ist no split
"no split" kann aber auch bedeuten, dass das zweite Match nicht auf einen anderen Tag gelegt wird, sondern noch am selben stattfindet...
das wäre eine völlig neue definition, wofür ich genauso wenig verständnis hätte... bisher war die bedeutung nunmal immer eine andere. wenn sie sich jetzt plötzlich ändert bringt sie nur umso mehr verwirrung mit sich
yo, if you say it's not going to split, it means you play the entire game and enter the result ONCE
hush, goldo gave me the chance to win $$$ twice! :-)
gogo true destination!
wow thats bullshit... it said game wasn't gonna be split so I bet on who I assumed would win overall, now it is split and because I bet on the overall winner I lose my money by default? if lost soliders win thats not cool...
netjes jongens, verdiend
gg deserved
rly ? ;)
you know we keeping everything taylored
alles klar kollegen kaktus
gg wp,

to bad u won radar on 2 sec :(
well carried xperia & lunatic
peccato :(
ggs was fun, coulve gone either way but satz was on our side which led us to victory :p
you know we keeping everything taylored
So I played one game in OC and won true destination gaming clan... does that make me OC winner even we lost via forfeit coz admin nazi?
no because lost won true destination gaming clan and then lost lost and lost lost
lol lokeino fucked ur shit up
all bcuz of lunatic!
gz loekino :)
wp true :)
no mKs no win