Fatal1ty-skill Red vs instanc3 (8031 views)

pl Trojan
pl mAde
pl shreq
us jon
us madlib
gb flame
16.12.11 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: kpstrojan (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 4525
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


GL red team
LOL co za lowy sie na gtv pchaja
a Ty kurwa kto
nie widzisz autoironii? jest w lineupie.
Nie, patrzylem tylko na komentarze bo nie obchodzi mnie kto gra w lou meczu.
przynajmniej nie probuja sztucznie podniesc swojego skila, jesli wiesz co mam na mysli.
........ japierdole
GL mAde shreq
Co to?
gl mAde,trojan
lol mAde moj stary nick ty fejku trojan:P pewnie shine fejkuje
co tam lauxiu?:D
a zajebiscie :D
wbijajcie do nas na ts
gl Trojan
dziekowac;] co chciales kryt made to shine wlasnie:D
GL F1s :)
i think people go to clubs about 22 hour so they can go after the match with good humors:)
nice friday gaming mates , hope you have fun at enemy territory nightclub partying at command post and doing field ops from behind

Fatal1ty wnb
gl hf
You have € 67 on f1s#
Possible win: € 154.77

hf Trojan mistrzu
co tam hooli my master?:D
leci mistrzu, tylko tak przy piatku to raczej bys na browara wyszedl :D hehe
probably wont get play tbh...
gl f1s
ahhahahahhahaahahha padlem "pewnie shine fejkuje " :DDDDDDDDDDDDD.. nie fejkuje cie a poza tym gram zawsze pod tym nikiem :DD
a ty kto ? xDDDDD
both teams pm me on irc, join #a2o.et thank you!
gl Trojan ;]
gl flux warlord weed
oh, wait..
check the lineup :DDdd
when did we allow germans in instance
GL f1s!
ciekawe, gydyb nie maus prawdopodobnie ilosc nickow z duzym A zmalalaby o 99%
thx for game
np:) gg ;>
Any one going to enter/add the score ?
4-0 instance, dno how to add scores though :D
he added the score but forgot to change the match's Status to Finished :p
jon the 3v3 whore
jon fucking niggas up
btw jon, are you chillin?
yeah bro, got my swag on full attack
wtf bro!
u were suppose to say the swag quote :<
edited np
oh my bad bro seemed like you were chillin for a second but only then did I notice your swag was on max attack
You have € 250 on us instanc3
You won € 535

free rice for everyone!
Suerte jon!
gg Jon my m8 :*
heh i trojan kolejna porażka ...

Czy ty masz skill ?