heroes vs bobsmileys (3536 views)

de znArk
be zaklantaarn
ma dommejongen
de wARLoRD
at FluXLoRD
de we3dLoRD
23.12.11 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: zaklantaarn (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 34349
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


You have € 83 on nl heroes
Possible win: € 930.43
dont let me down zak!
and gl tropic!
I am a smiler. I smile at everyone, whether it be someone on public transport, in the hallway somewhere, or on the street, I show that I am friendly via a smile.
gl tropic ;)

your mother drunk
GL bobsmileys!

Just kidding, die in a fire you whiners.
This made me laugh for some reason xD
gg for my lepari :D
gl warlord
4:2 for us mate <3
me so proud <3 was it hard to carry we3D?
nah me and flux handled it :) weed statsreset disconnect on supply :P
fuck off !
game is over slowfuck :DDDDD
finished portal so didn't know there even was game!
watch replay ! adler was epic :D
couldn't care less about 3on3 mate
we very mad now :s
gotta roll other offi
btw nothing against u was fun to play etc... but znark is freelancing all the time from hmm.et to survive then 3atw and so on... anyway gl :)
ye i know he has alot of 3v3 teams, well i understand it np :P
i dont get it
Stop breaking 3on3 ladder rules in a dead game that nobody else gives a fuck about, please.