back 2 kill vs Nothing But Skillz (9107 views)

pl l4z
pl WuT
pl mag
pl syz
pl vlr
pl dnl
be PlAyer
se slajdan
ca bN
be fostruM
ee Sinnu
ee yEnch

ESL 6on6 Winter League 2011 - Division 1
Group D - Week 3
22.01.12 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Winter Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: l4z (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 44317
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 55


replace efax with slajdan.
2 stars??
gl slaj
gl nbs
w koncu ktos z was w team poland -- GL chlopaki
gl WuT
You have € 5000 on eu Nbs
Possible win: € 7500

gl pol4zl, w1lko, woot
wont play on 20cet put it 21.30cet
wont play on 21;30CET can change it to 21CET
but what about playing it on monday? 21cet.
If u want reschedule time/date msg me on mirc not here.
gl anim
Gl mag l4z wilko : hf abj
gl l4z :D
gl b2k :=]
gl w1lko,mag

hf,wut,l4z,abj,syriusz : DD
dydziu ale żeś się rozpisał :D
gl w1lko ,mag,WuT :>
lugerem z colta wiktor
Politycy przewaznie klamia xD haha

cos mi to przypomina...

btw. gl b2k
gl WuT
Good luck nbs
hf NBS
i rarely say this but.. izi 4 polaks :DD
gl abj
gl abj
gl b2k, karac tam
gl mag!!! you can do it! i blame l4z airstrikes:D
gl Gunio
gl wut :P
gl fostrum en player!
gl w1o wut
Yench and bN pro
gl b2k
Good luck maguu tylko pizdeczeko na trzezwo :>
Odloz bota jelopie.
Omg polak is mad
Szkoda, ze bez bota kazdy Cie bije, i wtedy Ty jestes mad :(
Wroc na gaymod to ci ulzy jebany lowie
Wez bota i idz na NQ oblesny cwelu.
Placz dalej napinatorze z internetu :XD
gl nbs
bb ET
gl bN
zalegizalowac marihuanen for the win xDDDDDDDDDDDD
gdzie jest kurwa abj !
kto to vlr ?
voiler xd?
voiler voiler najlepsze eng w polsce!!
boiler ?
Gl slajdan
sinnu beast !
w1lkowi kompa spalilo co ? : DDD
pls mag make me proud :D You have € 574 on b2k
Possible win: € 1440.74
kto to dnl?
go go mag wut syriusz!
You have € 349 on Nbs
You won € 565.38
hea töö sinnu