n1ce.it vs Teuva Total Dominating (5840 views)

15.07.07 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #iSports-cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: westje (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de # a41.et #1 visit:www.a41-etclan.de
By: xmasterpx (ettvd)
de #inTrepid.ETTV
By: timen (ettvd)
de ISIgame.net#tv1 - isigame.net
By: rio_ (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd)

de pWend!!! ETTV1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
pl iSports.pl ETTV #1
By: westje (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 116


w0nder @ spam0r
TBA > all
TTD vs. n1ce.mix
rofl TTD:x
rofl :DD
iisi bäs :)))

ttd lineup:

fi KIPE (CL)
fi krissejeh
fi hazz
fi tomBa
il Godjew
de Saatana666
G0 CAEJ, U r0cK !
n1ce guidspoofers/eth/run.sh
TTD ftw
tua mamma è puttana
poi querami che ti aiuto ancora come l'altra volta a far andare ts + et sotto linux (se lothar nn sa come fare)
rio_ you are good to defend and give possibility to someone who cheat in your public server! btw i hate you and your fucking kind of "community" who criticize all we over then med(+) skill on your ETTVs.

I rly HOPE that u and your clan will die coz all you are fat and care about a real life that doesn't eXist . So get a life, get also a Brain and try to get skilled without saying those kinds of crap about good players who work day by day

GL n1ce
ye, im cheater defenzor so much as i ban them from my servers :(
btw as u wish my dear, i'll take out pbbans live streaming so u can join and play sooo much when i'll go on holiday!

...and u belong to your "so clean" friends...

i rly hope n1ce and all clean clan like that will win ec!
just look for siam he cheated , now he seems desnt cheat btw he play day by day on your server. u criticize n1ce'petruu. petruu isnt the "n1ce clan" and he got banned and will stay without et until the end of the ban. Not like S!am that the day after get "busted" he was already playing with a different guid :)

try get Brain Again, u are not the et community who decide who can play again if they cheated. this Et community had rules, now we can find kinds of "leader" who decide who can have the 2nd possibility giving him a chance.
PLZ no comment.
nogard clan bans siam.
my pub server is admined by a community that finally decided on ban him.
he got banned both from server and clan... so stfu.

plz more berlusconi disinformation.
get informed before speak my little dude :D
more retardad here.. i dont care about ban of a clan the was is that if someone cheat he have to stop play for 6/12month also if he is spoofing a guid. if in this case "your friend" will play always spoofing new guids and learning how to cheat the way is another :) dont try to be funny if you haven't anything concrete to say ^^

and anyway he isnt banned coz i saw him Moretimes there so STFU and go buy brain for the 3rd time ;)
ahahahh please shut up dude.
any stupid haxor got a stupid fedezpack guidspoofer.
you perhaps don't know that any computer got a ip, speacially in "fastweb isp"... so if ur saying that he'll will come again in server... well... i ban ip.. so S T F U.
#care about your clan/server, i'll #care mine... and join #quit

edit: ye, u see him when was not banned... now u'll see noone as i'll ban u too stupid berlusconi lamer disinformator (tomorrow, now i get a piece of rl, this unknown...)
more low
"It's so stupid that half of your clan is using it, I've gave all of them it.

fucking idiot"

fedeZ said it
so tell me who, i'll ban them all and gg

uoops, sooo late.. g2g guys, let's flame tomorrow!
fo sho

as Siam ...
Fo sho what? Siam what? Siam is banned from nogard and rio's public servers, only retards can't understand it! BTW is banned like petruu last year...same thing!

LordKaoz wrote: "It's so stupid that half of your clan is using it, I've gave all of them it."

Siam is half of our clan? Siam has been banned, we are more than 100 players; if 1 == 50 gg 4 You retard :)

Go buy cock's CM && go to watch bim bum bam pls!

more idiot!
uahsuhasuhsauhasuhas giuro ho riso come un folle :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
n1ce <3
veeeeeeeeegggggggggeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttaaaaaaaaaaa pim pum pam ;*
LOL EI JUMALAUTA KIPE XDDDDDD taitaa tulla turpaa nii et rytisee :D
ei tuu :D ,bettasin itelleni ja oli viel hyvä kerroon
tapsa > all
OMG n1ce all cheaters?
n1ce.it 2 - 0 Teuva Total Dominating
n1ce.it 4 - 0 Teuva Total Dominating
wp, congrats :D
congratz from me too ;)
lol lotto makaroonit
hahah XD
i <3 oasis. .
ma imparate tutti l inglese nabbi di merda
il mio lo devo grazie a Lost asdlòqwkaòlsdkòwaesdawe <3