Vindication eSport vs klapki kubota (3794 views)

ch GirljZE
fr Explow
be Avidus
pl Patryk
pl Maciek
pl Bartek
13.01.12 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: sosu? (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 6797
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


GL Macku, Bartku i Patryku !
no, i don't play if it's not BoOk and Sosji ! :D
hf Bartek! <3
Bartek hf = my name :D
hf girljze ;]
gl both :D
izi 4 ohurcool, oh wait, no mic =(
I'm not playing but yes I do have a mic :p
Yesterday you didn't have one =( Or dunno what they told me ...
masoh czarnuchom pod gore pamietaj daj rade dzis
gl klapki :D
gl les francophones
gl girljze
ym ;d buK sosji i masoh have fun :D
hf vind, oubliez pas de carry girljze :D
Faaaaack :D
M'enfou le vendredi à partir de 21h jsuis med+àdédéix :D
Comme d'hab :p
- avidus
+ Buned
(same country)
wesh girljze :)
gl klapki
gg unhit pl
pourtant vous aviez explow, c'est un pgm normalement non ?