vs 9th Dimension (6700 views)

24.07.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Summer Series 07
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: mUnduS (Requestee)
Maps: Radar

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Radio Commentary
fr by inviolable
By: Lipiluk
Listen to Lipiluk
Language: Poland

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de #Sonatix.ETTV
By: lblbw (ettvd)
de pWend!!! ETTV1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 33


gl S4F :)
gl both
Your bet: 10€ on 9th
Possible Win: 50.70 € (+40.70 €)
gl 9th
you ll need it : )
häng dich rein mundus :D (falls du spielst natürlitzsch)
gips is heute ab....ich denke es geht zu zocken ;)
nyerjetek nekem
höhö, mix lesz, majd sereya beownol mindenkit :XD
lineup will be: (probably)
hu Ocelot
hu TrojAn
hu Gabo
hu sAjt
hu eqzy
hu corey

hu dAve
hu drkt
hu Karrde
eqzy win me some money please
nyerjetek 4-0 akarok látni ,ezek ellen nincs kifogás, sajtnak külön glOMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
sereya is a cheater. I can't believe ESL let's cheaters play.
so, if you play fucking serius on a lan and pwn everybody u are a hacker? agreed
LAN doesn't proove anything.
omfg sereya cheated 1 year ago in fckin pub...
this not means that he is a big chater EVERYWHERE...
and btw lan proove very much because it shows theplayers real skill and activityin this game
nope it doesnt, u can prove that u belong to 3 nations
Hey man, have I said sereya is an hacker? Re-read my sentence, and you'll see that NOT I didn't. I care if he hacked 1 year ago on a public, ET is only a game, I'm not worrying for it. Maybe lan can proove the real skill of the player, but what about someone with wallhack? rivatuner? He'd have nice aim/skill, but he won't preshoot as much as he does when he's at home, LAN doesn't proove anything about cheating stuff.
Sorry, I'm not belonging to three nations.... stop watching sereya's crossfire profile, fanboy.
1st; not fanboi, just his clanmate
2nd; no1 said he is wallhacking, every1 is talking about aimhack, and LAN has proved that he is clear @ it.
hi2u2 uafrde Keytaro
LAN prooves NOTHING ffs. A player can be high @ lan, and still hacking with a nexus at home...
I'm not german, nerd.
his skill was the same
re-read my messages again, I wasn't talking about sereya.
and who cares abou the others???
You, sir, are the biggest selfish living in this ET-world
im not, trust me, but it was only sereya who i was talking about :)
[q=ezqy]and who cares abou the others???[/q]

YeaaahH !
easy for 9th
GL 9th, i hope you win!
mondd :) muszály lenned ;)
Your bet: 5€ on S4F
Possible Win: 10.95 € (+5.95 €)
i donthave much money :(
Your bet: 100€ on S4F Possible Win: 211.00 € (+111.00 €)
proposed lineup
at 9th-Dimension

Your bet: 25€ on S4F Possible Win: 50.75 € (+25.75 €)
omg szombat/vasárnap jövök ,már készvok >°^°!
gl ownoljatok be őket 2.03 vs 1.97 9th Dimension Total pot: 4212 €
Your bet: 13€ on S4F Possible Win: 26.39 € (+13.39 €)
xfire-n küldök püt ,többieknek majd mutasd meg^^
nekem egy ötvenest megér ez a meccs persze HUN-ra tettem :D

<3 Gabo
Your bet: 250€ on 9th
Possible Win: 475.00 € (+225.00 €) GOGOGO
nyugodtan, plz tegyél rájuk mégtöbbet plzplzplz
majd ird mar ki h. mennyit buktal :)
whats S4F's skill?
gl boyz!!!!Sajt aztán über replace legyél! gl gl gl s4f!!omgitsmymatchnubz
karrde nyugi jobb leszek mint te xD
"centuria-Gaming` recruiting
Mit kérünk?
• Med+/++"

lineup will be: (probably)


na mindegy gl
adze, ez egy mix nemtom min aggodsz :< legalabb ESL jatszhatok ha mar CB-n nem :D
mellesleg, S4F = Cl0wns
centuria most flashpoint-gaming néven fut ;)
ez egy mix, mint fentebb irtam, olvasd vegig plz
mellesleg kevés az esélye h. fog játszani :)
ubergl... ezek nagyon lámák, nyerni kell...rajtatok van minden moneym...mind az 5
xD trev nekem is minen pénzem rajtunk vanés kisértetiesen hasonlit a te pénzösszegedre...
omg te e-bankár :D

but if u loose 9th im afraid ill have to KILL YOU!

im giving you my faith.... :D
oh btw gls4f ; sajt
Nice ESL, let cheaters play !
nice nonames call themself highskill and famous ;)
who btw?
I never called myself highskill, and famous? I'm pretty known in the community boy.
i have demo if u want :>
he cheated 1 year ago...jesus + lan proven np4u
He's banned on ClanBase. I don't give a fuck if it was only for cheating on a pub, he's banned and shouldn't play.
Watch you need is a carebear: =)

My care-o-meter just surpassed 6.0cp/s its now 10cp/s (cp/s = Cares per second)
Although I understand most people's sympathy for sEreya, it must be said that Rhand is pretty right. If he's still banned on clanbase, he shouldn't be supposed to play in ESL. It's the responsability of the cup admins to give him the red light. It's not very consequent if someone is banned on cb that he can still play in other cups...
in my opinion cb is only a cup... not everything depending on it (btw real it cb rule :( )
ClanBase is an organisation, not a cup.
who gives a fuck?
para lesz sereya nélkül tolni de igy is bezuzzuk öket ^^
just stop whining Rhand anyway, its not ur team, we are gonna play against
we pownd u&ur team, dont be angry

and if cb> all, and everything depends on cb, why did it take 1 year to 'bust' him? they are so prö

and i hope we are gonna bash 9th and u will see ur whine was useless.
You owned my team? Proves once more you're a fuckin kiddy cos we never played vs each other.
ur brain is so small...
sEreya is also not allowed to play on ESL ;) ;)
;) im still there
9th all the way :) gl
9 imo...mundus< schau dir zu...:D
yes mundus<3 asslicker
np, they are just afraid of me
they still have no chance 7.76 vs 1.15 9th Dimension Total pot: 87738 €

because im not playing :XD np i will won some money finally
Your bet: 1762€ on S4F Possible Win: 12,122.56 € (+10,360.56 €) all in :P
Your bet: 5€ on S4F Possible Win: 32.65 € (+27.65 €)
all in xD
update score please
for d team with gr8ter odds
you saying i won?
i bet on kill4fun
Your bet: 50€ on S4F Possible Win: 286.00 € (+236.00 €)
i told you, easy without me too, i z i m o n e y :D
4-2 S4F wp
izi bash
4-2 jesus...should be 4-0 :P
gg 9th
what was your final lineup?
lineup :
hu Ocelot
[flag=hu] TrojAn
[flag=hu] Gabo
[flag=hu] sAjt
[flag=hu] eqzy
[flag=hu] corey
4-2 s4f update plz
nice butidont know whythe hell u need those shitty mouvies...
we dont cheat...
9th highsion, u got BASHED on the maps where we had tax (radar, sd - u changed radar last day, we didnt even had a clue about playing b4)

and now demos ^^ skillzerors
you know if you cant provide demos its forfeit for opposite team ?
u know i have demos, and im gonna upload those, u know 9th sux, dont u?
and do u know u bet on the wrong team? 'thumbup'
i dont care that i lost few bucks i earned 'em all back on element :)
u could have won even much more on us =]
nice that d1rekt didnt play
nice that SAjt and sZepi got dynamic ip and esl admins dont want to ban them ;)
sAjt is a hacker :o
Your bet: 1762€ on S4F Won 10078.64€
whats the problem with the dynamic ip?
that ip of esl account and pbbans is a diffrent?
bigger problem is your hiskilled reply