France vs Norway (3326 views)

fr An7ho
fr karnaj
fr Tomoyo
fr kartez
fr Aniki
fr douille
fr MENTh
no zodiac
no Domi
no kris
no lakaii
no w3st
no reenz
Show match of CB NC XV
3 maps will be played
17.01.12 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: An7ho (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 39714
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gl An7ho,
need snuble :D
Gl menth !
GL domi and a special GL for the shiim lover =)
gl an7ho ;)
NO RIZK NO WIN!!!!!! gl sexy An7hoOo
gl frenchies and lakaii :)
GL mes potes An7ho, Aniki, kartez <3 <3
smirzz: bonne chance a tout la team france, surtout antho
gl tomo
I've got a copyright on that man.
gg, you steal our views
i only told him ettv for stealing others viewers,

enjoy 3 viewers who entered wrong ip :-D
gl tomoyo
gl reenz + domi
hf reenz
devastation clash incoming
devastation + NC rifle tomoyo vs, NC rifle Domi.
gl menth, An7ho
gl fra, np4domi! :D
gl reenz! and domi!
needs some AlleViate
Douille ? :o
gl reenz :)
Hf Reenz :D
no snuble no win
gl norway + tomobro! <3
gl An7ho and reenz!
No Snuble?
No Anakin?
Gl Aniki
gl reenz
You have € 500 on no NOR
Possible win: € 1110
reenz will take it
easy for douille :P
An7ho <3 hf aniki et menth le black
annulé ? :s
kris from noll8?