Vicious and Evil - 4I vs Oxygen (10762 views)

gb Sheep
be Kevin
fi Squall
fi Iron
nl ViakZ
ch vegi
ee deadeye
ee Duki
ee GraVity
ee mulatt
ee rei
ee Tamps
ee treyz
Premier League

Wildcarded by O2
31.12.06 00:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: SummerCup 2007
Manager: Rhand. (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
By: GTVd


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


good luck for trey man ! :D remember to gimme shoutout trey :P
easy for 4I
Most likely line-ups will be:


gb Sheep
be Kevin
fi Squall
fi Iron
nl ViakZ
ch vegi


ee deadeye
ee Duki
ee GraVity
ee mulatt
ee rei
ee Tamps
ee treyz
<3 vae ;p
smells like rape .....
but gl o2
o2 can do.
gl o2
My bets on Vae but GL both :>
elfa <3 vae.sheep

GL vae ftw
yeh, I was just about to ask that wasn't lempz busted and then just changed his guid and joined another team in cb.
lempz is busted, but how does this relate to o2?
He will not be allowed to play if Bulld0g confirms this.
Sheepppppppp > all
hi ?
Gl O2
and Lempz isnt Tamps.
gl viakz,sheep
vae ftw
Good luck o2
Where is plgotti?
Oxygen for sure.
lol xD
OMFG gr8 spam xD
fanboy ftw :D :D :D gl both but bet on vae * GL ;)
he likes sHeep?
he likes sheeps xD :XD
not funny, cockboy (c) rhand
notfuny and only u care wow :**
ah k :D
i already thougt so.. don't rlly know why
gl mats en kevin
all on o2
gl Kevin
WTF viax? all money on o2
I agreez with kiitos!
this game shouldnt be played
LU ?
gl viax ;)
go go sheep!!! pwn them all
vae ftw but gl both
GL o2 luckers @ adler ;< anyway all on vae :)
Go sheep o/
gl sheep & kevin
gl kevin
gl Tamps <3
no iratou no win :(
too easy for vae
Most likely o2 uses wildcard.
where's gotti in vae :( ?
vae's nice lineup back yay
one4one... ;] gl to kevin, sheep, vegi... x))
go vae, o2 sucks hard! all on u guys.
kris and fobje...:S
easy for vae lol...
izi bash for kv
rip o2
As they did not yet rescheduled it and both already have a scrimm on Sunday, I suspect this match will just be cancelled and score shall be 0-0.