Grenades Galore vs wiSe-guys (3740 views)

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20.01.12 01:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 3560
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


POlaki uda sie wieze w to;p
Brain vs notsomuch brain
all in xD letshope i get a nice starting capital again.
You have € 128 on G+
Possible win: € 773.12
weird move at the end razz :p

Well shit happens ^^
only had pistol and didnt no what the fuck to do since realise got naded ;p
loool saying im online all the time when im on like 10 hours a week mAX and u do like 10 a day!!! and play pracs and offi's with uk, random 3on3's all night and merc with random german teams, lollll geek
Kamz even though you try to pretend your not online, the whole crossfire and gamestv knows your a born nerd and can never change, ur suppost to be studying at uni and all u do is come online and say comments like you once were skilled or something, sadly u wasted 15 years playing as the MOST ACTIVE player in rtcw.ET got caught cheating got busted, and never reached the med skill level. :P just aswell you quit because, you better stick to things your good at , and ET isnt one of them fact. ^^. I Think you coudlnt take getting kicked out of teams anymore due to your skill level, For fuck sake even Team-UK decided to kick you out because you were so terrible, And u got so mad you got replaced by Baggiez you cried for another year, Jeez mate how big is your nose now must be nearly 5 meters by the amount of lies you tell pinochio. =)
let Kamz flame...its always funny to see people getting mad about it
too long didnt read lolz, enjoy spending your life online and failing again with uk lolzzz :_D

brb shining bronze medal
:XCDD!?!?!? :CDD:D:D!?