Poland vs Austria (12920 views)

pl dialer
pl fanatic
pl hunter
pl Krein
pl ska
pl zMk
at bl1zzardx
at DonMatthias
at jaN
at Limbonic
at potter
at scorch

CB NationsCup XV

Group B - 1st Matchweek
24.01.12 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 151245
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 260


scorch gonna roll with his high sens ;D

hm hard one.. but i would go for dialer and krein since, theyve still got the exp, and are able to perform well on crucial moments, even if they are active :)
dont think players i mentionned are not expecienced enough to be there.
+1 Palemki most underrated polish aimer :|
inactive du bob
no Krein getting better and better again he shall play in mainlu
but dialer idk
- fanatic
- krein
+ syriusz / palemki / ska
GL Polska :<
GL zMk ! ! need WuT !
gl dialer, fanatic, krein and potter.
gl Poland :)
+ palemki
no dizel no win !
gl austria :)
Walcz walcz bialy orzelku z czarnymi sepami!
gl! v1ech :)))
-Krein + ska

palemki w skladzie tez by sie przydal :/
Dobrze, ze jest hunter. Ktos kiedys powiedzial, chyba edain, ze aimowo dorownuje Wieslawowi.
go Poland!
GL POLAND !!!!!!!!
GF POLSKA !!!!!!!!

GL POLAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG BLIZZARDX OMG <3 GL pretty baby xx
gl austria
ohne mich wird das wohl nix werden guise..
where is Palma?
za flaszke
gl ösis
gl dialer
- hunter + kot, haters gonna hate
lol had to check twice when i saw hunter, isn't this the same guy who everytime i play against goes cave EVERY SINGLE SPAWN?

kinda stupid player i think, but yea..

gl though zmk! + fragstealer(iguess:D?)
gl polaczki
gl don <3 :)
bedzie shoutcast?
a gdzie jest k***a kot? co za low nie wybrał go do składu?
OMG to jest Polska :)
You have € 125 on pl POL
Possible win: € 136.25
You have € 747 on at AUT
Possible win: € 6917.22
polaks giv back my car^^

gl Austria
gl team poland
- krein
- dialer

+ elviss
+ upload

ale i tak GL Poland Team
Krein>elvis, and upload and dialer are completely different players
do not argue with me I know better... xDD ; DD
tylko ze upload gra jak low 6v6 :P
no limbonic no win
gl don and v1ech! :)
wont play :>
too early to play for mr viech :) i need offis at 10pm else i wont be able to play
No chance for team austria then :(
and since ur nerding lol after 10, it would be kinda surprising to see u play a game which u last played months ago :D
told them i m avi if they need one quickly but else i m not even watching the game :d
gl Don and potter :)
hf ,easy
gl don scorch jan!
Stephi <3
Co roku z wami ;)!! powodzonka
Spokojna wygrana.
You have € 250 on AUT
Possible win: € 5512.5
znow cale tmoe sobie wzial do druzyny + jeden gracz z b2k z takim skladem chuja na NC pograja
ma do tego prawo kazdy popelnia bledy kiedy kurwa skumasz ze mogles tez sie zglosic na kapitana i wybrac swoj sklad ? nie zglosiles sie nie zostales! (a skoro jego wybrali to znaczy ze mu zaufali )wiec teraz nie pierdol smutow ze zly LU masz daj mu kurwa wkoncu robic co ma do zrobienia czyli grac z Team Poland w NC i cos ugrac ...
Zazdrosc nie radosc ...
Koniec tematu...
chuj nie zazdrosc, moze mi powiesz gdzie jest jakis gracz z b2k (syriusz, voiler) oh bo sie nie lubia dlatego ich nie wzieli ? i powiedz co robi tu fanatic mr.sherlock
gl poland
You have € 250 on AUT
Possible win: € 4837.5
You have € 60 on at AUT
Possible win: € 1146.6
gl matthias + potter
poland gonna win NC tbh
just need another tzac crush
sexy scorch omg...
gl viech :)
good luck :)
nie wiem czemu stawiacie na austrie :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Total Pot: € 111111 :D gl&hf guys
You have € 20 on at AUT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 982
Do boju rodacy!!!

gl hunter & zMk ;)
gl donmatthias
GL Austria! :)
gl Austria <3
this a joke team pl lineup or what? haven't been paying much attention to cf
are you some kinda joke or something? no one pays much attention to you anyways
Friend, it's kamz... he's so troll lololololol omg lol omg so troll lol!
or u could just turn off your pc and that will be much more epic
well then your lives would become boring..
no, yours!
thats what they said.. but then i quit and now they all crying.. kamz please come back :'(((
haters gonna hate ;)
ska will rooooooooooooollllll
go harry go !
gl donmatias
gl skaa !
gl fanatic
<3 ziomek + maciek :) izi bash
polska pokara

Krein i zMk nakurwiajcie :)
gl tmoe
gl DonMatthias =)
jest ska jest impreza
Good Luck at !
do boju polaczki :)
gl blizz & don ;))
gl dialer, ziomek, donmatias & potter ;)
Hmmm watch this or TDM NC hungary vs austria

ladnie ska :)
gl DonMatthias
why ettv broke up
fanatic ladny debiucik.
gg wp
noo nie ma to jak skillowe opo xd
:d SUPER MECZYK !!! Gdyby nie ACTA ;// :D
scorch outta shape according to the stats :(((((
oh yeah, ich war nie gut :D
seems like polish took a revenge vs adolf-mans ;)
AUT/// Scorch 24 deaths without fragging
wow wp fanatic<3
this is a 3 stars match ?

et is dead
wp fanatic :) you suprised us !
Wp ska m8 <3
doesn't make it less true
bruzl4h,artis,day,beAsty,potter,rapture,darky ...