miXXim vs Corazon (2413 views)

28.07.07 17:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: coRCup 3on3
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Koetjn (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

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all my money on mixxim
phan ftw
this is bronze final u kankertard :D.we are playing in ze finals
miXXim team

nl AmAzOn
nl toucan
nl musashi
nl hhrjr / pRozzz
Unknown 1.:

be Witje
be Koe
be Chalk
se chizz6l
pt illumise
eu TBA
w00t izi bash for chizz6l and illu and witje against ama and mush
but gl and hf
en ik dan (dez)?? HARM
haha <3 maar kan hit niet spelen dan voor TBA ? of mot hij weer werken ?
ok gl
Does corCup allow cheaters to play?
who are you calling a cheater ?
Chizz6l is banned from CB for cheating.
aint his guid number :< but ur right.. he's banned from cb :< miss him already
haha jij ook gl ROY herii e. maar chizz6l illu en witje zijn mek, he,, zij hebben mijn server he, dus moet ik hun wel supporte :p haha maar jij ook gl :p
hoeveel is het?
nog niet begonnen
2-0 Corazon
3-0 to Cor atm,i guess
they needed to go so 4-2 coR
You can remove coR from the Cup, according to your own rules:

2.1. Cheaters
As you probably know yourself, cheaters of any kind are NOT allowed to participate in this cup. When when wielding a busted player, your team will be immediate excluded out of the cup. Make sure that red triangles are reason enough to exclude a player from the cup, but not the entire clan. When we see there's a banned player (cb/esl/other cups banlist) wielded the entire team is excluded.

FYI, http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=2713345&suspend=1

Partypooper !
cb/esl/other cups banlist
chizz6l aint on the bans list yet he will become on the ban list # 11 so i think thats why they dont remove coR
rofl? He is on the banlist already. What does the CF-thread has to do with this?
BTW we played before we knew they got banned. We didnt saw it and we thought k wtf... but k nexus public w/e have your way. And btw make the score k 4-2 2o2 ladder. Mr Supervisior
I'm a CB admin, not a GTV admin.
Since he wasn't banned yet, as far as i know he still was allowed to play. And since i'm not, unlike you, watching banlists 24/7 i wasn't aware of him being busted yet.
He was banned before this match.
like said before i don't check cheaterslist 24/7 so can be.. Still who cares, miXXim was given their 3 rd place for sure, admins team just wanted to play vs them to give them some fun final aswell, and it was fun, and imo that's all what matters in a game. but if you want to spit deep np,
cancelled because of cheater issues and a team forced to leave
Not rlly because of cheats more because they needed to leave decider