Fickle Old Apathetic Dudes vs TOG Legends (3351 views)

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CyberGamer Australia | CyberGamer Europe
Amateur League Match
29.01.12 10:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CyberGamer ET 5v5 Prize Leagues » Matchlink
Manager: biggz (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 2709
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


Is this a new season or the worlds longest running season?
End of the season, its been running for so long because of summer holidays in Australia (Dec through Feb).
Ah, right, all backwards and stuff. Glad to see you guys got the support for it still. Is there going to be another season with prizes?
Maybe, will have to see if the community is willing to chip in again + CyberGamer. Hopefully if we take the same approach 'community contributes "$xxx", CG matches it' then we will be in business.
CG would have much more success if teams could pick there own times for wars.
instead of picking for a select few provided times.

If things have not already changed from last time my team was registered on CG
They can, I have configured the ladder that way because it suits Australian teams. We didn't advertise the league/ladder as open to international teams at any stage. It is no different to if an Australian team wanted to play on the regular ESL or CB ladders/cups, we would be limited to playing at CET friendly times and on EU servers.
omg foad fake tag!!!!! this is real foad fucking tard!!!!: