United Kingdom vs Russia (14740 views)

gb Baggiez
gb griim
gb koop
gb R0SS
gb rAzZ
gb sqZz
ru arcadia
ru slaw
ru fubor
ru leotiran
ru rizzin
ru damaskus

CB NationsCup XV

Group D - 1st Matchweek
29.01.12 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Artstar (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 224463
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 236


easy bash uk
[18:28:30] <freeL`xiN> dwight
[18:28:34] <freeL`xiN> quand mon nick est XIN
[18:28:42] <freeL`xiN> cad je ne suis pas là, en gros à chaque fois tu parles à mon BNC


streaming dem nc matches
baggiez suck a dick!!!

gl luck sqZz and razZ :D
You are lacking mirror :D

ps: Good Luck Gav and Baggiez :D
wonder who will win
gl lads!
Deathless finest good luck u fag gonna ping u whilst u rifling xoxoxo
give it a rest with the deathless shit
will be hard for u koop mate :)
gl RU m8s
gl sqzz
hf sqzz
gl uk! :)
You have € 1972 on gb UK
Possible win: € 1991.72
hört rykten att de blir en läggmatch för uk vill ha lättare motstånd i nästa steg..
Vafan, Riktigt lamt om dom gör så..
And not a single bet was put on Russia that day.
deathless finest gna flopjehz gg
do u eat popcorn when u watch porn ?
thanks for cheering us up
gL R0SS rAzz sqzz
uk - no cockney in the squad=no win.
You have € 1 on ru RUS
Possible win: € 100
Zaryzykowac moge.. :D
Widze wyzebrales tego 1 dienga pod kosciolem?
Gl R0SS! izi for u.
gl rs Russia
it is serbia flag code
inb4 "i did it on purpose omg im so trollin omg omg lololol"
infact, it's a double troll lol.. still got it
thank you sir in KAMZ
how come u aren't in team India? u could prolly be the highest fragger there
admin said i'm not allowed because i played with uk last season
deep down your heart u are black ,can t like the russians
lol random got trolled
Crumbs ? kamz ? :o
y n kamz?
uni ;p + too low, baggiez better ":D"
Quoteso to clarify, i am not available for nc, i am not available for queens, i'm still interested in ET from spectating pov but won't be playing any time in the near future..

your fault!
true story bro @quote
Baggiez got goldrush tank on lock boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Where is TEKN0 ?
Serious question.

If this pic is correct why are all the uk flags called gb.gif?
gtv mistake maybe, at crossfire its:
United Kingdom [flag=uk]
As far as i am aware, the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland, whereas Great Britain does not.

correct me if i'm wrong!
You are right. I was just wondering about flags because google shows same pics for UK even for GB. Seems like everybody is using GB flag wrong.
And poor Welschs does not have even a piece of their flag there. Btw I think it is a common mistake. A lot of people say Great Britain and what they actualy mean is United kindgom. You can see it everywhere TV, papers, ads, popculture ect. The only ones who use it right are ppl living in monarchies, because they truly understand the difference. For others England = Great Britain = United Kingdom, sad but truth
You have € 1 on ru RUS
Possible win: € 100

:D gl sosji
gl gav :)
gl razz hf sqzz
gl etcfg
wheres ru JOkE ? :(
gl razz & gav
need some teamplayers like JOkE or mirror
gl razz sqzz!
gl sqzz, slaw, fubor, & damaskus :)
gl R0SS
Dama <3
gl damaskus!
BbI proebete odnozna4no , russian pidar`s will lose
GO PASANS!! Brits are goin down!
gl R0SS
walera twoi wihod
You have € 1 on RUS
Possible win: € 100

You have € 4 on RUS
Possible win: € 400

cmon russia!
Nations cup sensational!
Good luck UK, good luck Russia :D
GL lads will be a struggle without me

baggiez out, he was the reason they lost to germany last season but they never learn!!
ah well :p
the fuck you replying to kamz but not me bitch
my life is a struggle without you in it now!!

ru gl
No Jinosta no win! :/
grime best
hf baggiez
http://es-es.twitch.tv/yjzz Streaming there...
gl UK
where's the ettv?
the same question
GL Damaskus
havent seen so shit rifle for ages koop
??? what happened?
koop was always a great rifle!?!?
not good enough against top teams though

not true :o) koop was owning then, just bad luck today I suppose.
people are just going on stats, i was at the back of cp on bremen for the whole round :o)..playing fops ;s
bad luck that you weren't seeing any opponents! :3
i know...but im shit cuz i got low dmg ;<<<<<<<
nice proving to me i should have put razz as rifle and fumble as rambo dmg dealing medic..
well i had a good time..
take the walk of shame you prick, had your chance.
Russia top team?

well I didnt mean them, but my guess is that he'll struggle against belgium/germany/nl/finland :P
even checking the stats (received dmg) you can see he was just getting no action :\ (that's what she said)
what happened buddy???
to much bf3? :D
nothing lol spec it and watch the position i played on bremen, everyone flaming because i got low dmg..look at my dmg received :D
playing for the team > going for damage

too many brain dead idiots thinking damage is everything
troo dat bro troo dat
gl razz my idol :D
how come u guys won without kamz?
some1 of you was etbotting for sure
You have € 1784 on UK
You won € 1801.84
You have € 31155 on gb UK
You won € 31466.55
my money :(