late night mix vs manto (2696 views)

de SPU9
de bluTbad
de RazZah
pl kuna
pl mientus
pl 4nTi
03.02.12 00:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: SPU9 (Highadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 2027
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


fyi, these retards are hacking. xoxo
gl rasssssssaaaahhhwRR!!
abs dude pls who da fuck are u 2 complain about hacking ure not even low+ so bitch pls
but he actually knows how to reply. you brainless fuck,
u are not even low+ too :D good choice to play with hackers, you'll be able to roll medskills now
Must be vid_restart bug!
really loved the last 2 mins on gr :D

well the rest...
they were low/+ on first round..i mean we are not better..we just held them all the time..and i thought wtf? they should hack? but then after we were attacking it was so obvious...just sad that people who know their teamm8s hacking still keep on playing with them
everybody knows they are hacking, why did you take an offi against those stupid mongols ?
well my mate spu isnt that active on cf and didnt know they were cheating. after i told him that they hack, he already accepted the match. I talked to cb admin tamje and he said that we have to play the match or we get forfeit. so we had to play no matter what
???? WAs sind denn das für CB Admins, sollen mich mal cb admin machen, dann können wir sehen wie lange die noch spielen.
nicht umsonst clownbase :D
well he reported them on clanbase, but he couldnt do anything else (not enough powers?). he said that it is safer to play the game and make screenshots etc. he can still ban them later and we get our points (back)
nice game :-) i play ps3 fifa 12 and stay in spawn
I really hope you'll die from aids ice & glObe :-)
fuck you 4nti :)
nearly won
why cancelled
dnno must be hax
You should stop giving attention to polaks, im pretty sure they arent able to play on GTV anymore.
ye, unfortunately i was not aware of them already caught cheating...but now i know why he asked me to request gtv...but well hopefully they will be ip banned and stuff here and on cb/esl/cf
IP ban doesnt mean much, but remove all their teams from ladders and dont accept their apply would be one way.
that's the reason why I removed every recent request from them :P
Bo Polaczki haxowaly?
well played icesun : )) dobry mecz; )
szacunek ze podjeliscie walke