NtF niettefilmen vs bacardi team (3598 views)
05.02.12 22:45 CET
Status: | Finished | Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | Enemy Territory | |
Rating: | ||
League: | CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | outlAwlicious (Requestee) | |
Maps: | Not announced | |
On Demand | Watch this Match now. |
Broadcasted by
Enemy Territory TV |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 26
Viewer Peak: 26
Sunday, 5th February 2012 22:14
here we go, outlAw getting rolled for the 14529582508510th time.
at least nog playing with cheaters ^^
but 4 times busted
at least not playing with cheaters ^^
but playing against cheaters ^^
lolling against cheaters
all 3 of your team qualify as cheaters
all 3 of your team qualify as cheaters
4 out of 6 players busted, hm...
I guess upload's ban doesn't count as cheating, like some kik_aim thing you find in every downloaded internet cfg.
That was in the past.
I admit that I cheated it's true but never touched any cheat after the last ban.
Waiting on counterflame with the sentence "cheaters always cheat"
I admit that I cheated it's true but never touched any cheat after the last ban.
Waiting on counterflame with the sentence "cheaters always cheat"
when you get busted 3x nobody trusts you anymore, you'll never make it anywhere in et because of it so hopefully you are satisfied with playing 3o3 ladder with your commonly multibanned mates.
maybe, ye
do you think he's clean...?
do you think he's clean...?
yea he's clean
I guess everyone in this match is busted already, even razz..
still cheating like bosses!
not good enough
And how do you think about FeiSS and MiTCH than?
That those two faggots are clean :XD?
That those two faggots are clean :XD?
feiss is just bored and must have something missing in his life to find such enjoyment in this stuff (or just an attentionwhore).
mitch tried as hard as he could to suck dick the last year and a half or so, failing to make it anywhere decent i wouldnt be surprised if he turned to cheating (still dont think hes good enough to cheat though).
mitch tried as hard as he could to suck dick the last year and a half or so, failing to make it anywhere decent i wouldnt be surprised if he turned to cheating (still dont think hes good enough to cheat though).
It's fucking clear on the .avi from joshua!
By this anwser i definitely know you have braincancer now, im sorry for you!
you obviously never played against mitch that guy is terrible :l
I did on an official and he rolled us with only 3hs, so ye he is cheating ;)
everyone rolling you is cheater?
lot of cheaters then :)
lot of cheaters then :)
so is your face
cant decide on which cheaterteam I should bet :S
upload wont dissapoint you.
upload wont dissapoint you.
GL outlAw :)
You have 50 on nl NtF
Possible win: 221.5
let's go outlAw
Possible win: 221.5
let's go outlAw
gl outlAw
You have 250 on nl NtF
Possible win: 1067.5
You have 250 on nl NtF
Possible win: 1067.5
izi 4 outlAw
nice odds
You have 2500 on pl bacardi
You won 3875
You have 2500 on pl bacardi
You won 3875
That is f u c k i n g good!!!
n1 xD