Veni Vidi Vici vs waffles (8347 views)

07.08.07 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: SummerCup 2007
Manager: skooli (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Radio Commentary
de HeadShot Radio Shoutcast
By: sokl
Listen to sokl
Language: Polish

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

pl #2
By: sokl (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 140


waffles lineup ?
lineup that's possible imo : winghaven marv clown raptor decem diablo
hmm why is it actually a belgium team?
Because belgium is famous because of our waffles :x
<3 v3
Pls lineups ;[
ezi bash for waffles
v3 line up
gogogo v3 :)
gl v3
gl teams
v3 imo =]
y0 y0 v3 ;)
pl Endarked will win!
chuj wafel
endarked @ nexus tracker list np4him
pl endarked vs be waffles

hmm.. i think pl endarked will take this one (:
I don't like all those funteams participating in the Summercup :< same as SRP
why not?
I want to see the big names :( dignitas, rewind, etc
score atm pls?
easy for sOme
match is rescheduled for Tuesday at 22
nie ma to jak slepota :D
endarked is new mAus
he is better than mAus! endarked will bash whole waffles! rly, he is so overskilled!!
nope he's polish mAus's twin
endarked became mAus in 2months ? dodgy, isn't it ?
mAus became good in 2 months, didn't he
i don't really know :$ i wasn't on ET yet when he appeared :$
not rly
endarked is playing ET for 2 years right?
with rwz
"endarked is playing ET for 2 years right?"

Maybe yes, maybe no, but Endarked is very very good Polish player

1) Kot
2) Endarked
1. pl wiesiek
2. noone...
3. noone...
XX. rest of et players
endarked>wiesiek :D
Myrasz > all xD :D
myrasz < ziomekpvp
Twoj stary/stara < mój kutas
myrasz jebane z ciebie dziecko ze zryta psycha... patologia ? -.-
pierwsze primo ty jestes dzieckiem (do tego zjebanym)ktore mysli ze jest fajne
drugie primo - spierdalaj :)
buiahuahaua wnb myrasz wnb myrasz -.- get brain
I remember that endarked was very good a year ago (PGA qualis) and now he just became better, he also played very well during LAN's so I dont know what is your problem
oh damn it, pl endarked show is rescheduled : <<
new talents observed?
GL waffles HF endarked.....
waffles imo !
v3 > waffles imo :)
oj dawidku beda hedy =)
endarked>wiesiek? wtf?

stop lain' ya crazy biatches!
ez bash for pl mAus :)
sOme <3 dawid < 3
v3 nobs, going to lose
Client/Server game mismatch: 'ET Pro/'

@ Elementtv.. appears everybody has it since it's more like empty now?

edit: now the complete server is off.
new star is born for sure, n1ce

go waffels
2-2 decider oasis
3:2 :> 1441€ on waffles Possible Win: 17,364.05 € (+15,923.05 €)
how much money you won ? :)
gg wing !!! ^^
4:2 waffles
Your bet: 250€ on waffles Possible Win: 3,012.50 € (+2,762.50 €)
i want my money
Your bet: 1000€ on waffles Possible Win: 12,050.00 € (+11,050.00 €)

Your bet: 1474€ on waffles Possible Win: 17,761.70 € (+16,287.70 €)

gimme? :)
Your bet: 1000€ on waffles Possible Win: 12,050.00 € (+11,050.00 €)
Veni Vidi Vici 1.09 vs 12.05 waffles Total pot: 361429 €
Your bet: 10€ on waffles Won 120.50€
Your bet: 20€ on waffles Won 241.00€
easy money
Your bet: 200€ on waffles Won 2410.00€

That's easy money xDD
LoL the pesky polskis let me down this time! :(
Your bet: 17€ on waffles Won 204.85€