team stAt1c vs westvlaandrn (3702 views)

nl mAss1v
nl Aureon
ro Stary
nl imPlux
be mAXN
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be ice
09.02.12 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: mAss1v (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 8143
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gl mAss1v
izi for stAt1c :)
Gl massief en aureon
keithh busted <3
gl stAt1c
why can busted people like mass1v still play offis?
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink

thats why :{D
Because of reasons, isn't your business so :D
bla bla bla :D
its only becuz i made an account 3 years ago while a banperiod, Becuz using a hack @ jaymod, banning me for it in 2011
esl inst that retarded , cb obviously is
so you used tzac-hacks? and you wanna tell me that you never used them on etpro,sure.
Let's do some maths:

"an account 3 years ago while a banperiod" - Let's analyze that shall we?

An account on Clanbase, 3 years ago (2012 - 3 = 2009) SLAC(TZAC) Got released at the end of 2010, beginning of 2011 so no he didn't use slac/tzac cheats, he used a hack on a public jaymod server which was protected by punkbuster, and that's how he got banned.
He only got banned at clanbase because he didn't had ESL account at that time.

Get your facts straight... I used aimbot on jaymod as well and wallhack too, just that punkbuster never got to ban me, I guess that's my win.

Hope I made it clear.
oversaw that 3 years,but you think that anyone will believe that thommy bans you 3 years later for a pb ban? And btw you are playin with a hacker so,so team static is a hacker-team.I guess that is my win.
You are sense-less just like your brother:D don't comment back
mad coz bad
gl stAt1c!
match is cancelled. cheers
good luck static <33
we won't play, i replaced the match, but stat1c massive's to retarted to understand it
scum :)
it would be the 3rd time or noshow or replacing, dont accept a match if u know you cant play..
won't play anyway
de ene zegt tegen de andere internet hero terwijl die gene met een bustpost komt WAJOW!
gl massiv and implux
gl implux
gl dennis <3