Czech Republic vs Brazil (8863 views)

cz malfoy
cz charliezed
cz jalo
cz Rifleman
cz mnew
br Fatality
br paQuita
br tHONY
br sAbian
br tHONY
br TK

CB NationsCup XV

Group A - 3rd Matchweek
13.02.12 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: wenm (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3
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Total Pot: € 112577
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 36


GL cz <3 Cypis

streamin if de showmatch doesnt take too long xoxo
omg flash omg
where to? we have only mr.abrakadabra aka malfoy:-P
i love flash cos i remember him single handedly raping the old uk failure team with panzer when it was sof medskillers (ste, marvel, ngotie, baggiez)

good times watching them fail lol, still gonna get at least 1/4 of that this season i suppose
hf charlie and Cypis (:
gl team brazil :), don't miss the shout
GL svk & exo members

HF Brazil
gl vapor
gl shockzs olavo sabian insanity !
gl sH0ckzs
Gl gaylavo! Jk
gl ingame ! unhit bros
gl cze!
gl Brazil, newbies D:
"The team is strong in Brazil, at least I know players like Vapor, abs1, tHONY, sAbian.
Now let's see if the connection will not interfere much, I'm sure will be a great game :D"
gl shock (:
gl vapor
gl olavoL & shock :D
gl charlie !
GL chlapaci!!!
É, estes são bons mas o Vapor, o tHONY ainda nem jogaram, o sAbian e o abs1 não puderam fazer nada também contra os outros times, sozinho ninguém joga. Sem falar que os que jogaram até agora não estão levando essa porra a sério :X
gl team brazil - vapor
gl jalo
gl vapor
really man, shouldn't you be playing real sports on the beach or something? :s
gl charlie, malfoy and rifleman !
GL Brzail u deserve a first victory - go on
You have € 100 on BRA
Possible win: € 4606

Make me rich ^^
gl shoczx
gl brazil
gl Cze, ale jestli bude hrat Karel tam nevim...:P
np muzes jit hrat misto me oh wait ty fakt ne:-D
dik prdlavko nejak to snad dame ikdyz postup uz je jistej:-P

ukaz jim zlaty cesky rucicky!gl
gl,hf cze
Gl cze and Charlie :D
fanboy or hater spoted:-D
I am both ;) gl anyway
GG jaltsi
gl rifle & charliz
meu kick de flood foi o melhor
nice plant man
thanks bro..if u need lessons i can give to u
u can give lessons in dicksucking u faggot
harsh kid, chillout
i was just joking, sabian is my amigo
im not ur amigo bro just leave
leave him alone!!! suck his balls he is getting a bit known (if you act like every shit ppl)
lol and who are u
random but i don't suck balls.

same question goes for you, who are you???
: D
no olavo no win
not true story