Estonia vs India (3221 views)

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in RaNa
in Singh
in SaNdHu
3rd round of Group F
12.02.12 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Sinner (Requestee)
Maps: Radar

Total Pot: € 102045
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first !!!1 ezy for india
Where are Mr. Anderson and night ?
what's the point of games like that?
idiots pushing their ego by being in a national team :D
Idiots like them keep ET alive, gali no offence :D
The point is, to get the viewers to see new territories, as India. This isn't about the score. Never has been. ETTV is for entertainment.
Just trying to give the viewers(maybe some from Estonia, some from India) what they want.
I don't think he means that you requested it on gtv, just the fact of an extremely one sided matchup in nationscup (maybe eluding to the fact that there should've been qualifiers so that the teams that can barely field 6 and make it out of spawn aren't playing)
OR give playoffs spot already to all #1 seeded teams without group stage. And then make a group stage consists of 8 groups with 3 or 4 teams each and only the best team from each group advance to playoffs 8) at least it'd reduce games like this hehe. also actually every #1 seeded team had 3 group games vs weak teams no matter if it's seed 2, 3 or 4. (the only exception is FRA vs CAN). Also some of seed #2 vs #3 may be interested (because they often decide who's going to play in playoffs), and that's it.
check my comment below.
remove it and request in proper league (CB NC XV) not in CB EC XXIV :D don't know why it has been accepted tho 8)
gl Yench <3
no ragul95 no win :DDD
gl india,no problem if u loose this ,u own them in real life anyway...
Powerful Indians in Strength xD gl India, harna mat..
Singh vs Night, clash of the titans :O

GL my indian broes :-)