kNOCKEd vs Echelon (3676 views)

is deztro
be RedoX
be xAeee
pl stexx
pl templar
pl dummy
10.02.12 00:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: deztr0yer (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 9202
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 24


gl m8s :)
gl xAeee
Gl Polaks;)
gl xae :)
wp , unlucky ! :(
You have € 75 on eu kNOCKEd
You lost

Wow, that was by far the most impressive double selfkill on adler i've seen in a while. not bad. ._________.
I know that feeling.
Go mcdo gross.

You have € 12 on echelon
You won € 19.68

Awesome bet is awesome
macht ein match will noch was sehen!
ne bin am laptop am lernen^^ morgen klausur. gleich weg :P
haha indeed nice double selfkill while you dont have time you fucking nobrainers
well , i selfkilled cuz 5 secs until spawn & kill them before they arrive but didn't expect that deztro would do the same after me ^^
there is nothing about brain nobrain , there is a communication problem only
yea axis door was already opened and then suddenly you both selfkilled and obj was alone where it was obvious that they would run after them but yea, happens :(
i selfkilled way before they opened the door but np , idc it was just a game like others ;)
i requested the match and watched the scene again, but i guess we dont need to talk about it anymore. the door was opened 3 sec before your spawn, but fuck it :-D
shit happens !:P
np , maybe it was mistake from my part , i should have stayed alive & deztro too but yea , fuck it x)
if you just shot them both with 2 and the obj runs for transmitter you won, NP
first learn to reply than talk about ET ..
man u weren't in that game , u would have done the same , and we didn't have the spawntime so how? that was our last chance we lost it that's all stop flaming
no elviss? was he one of the polish that got caught?
Are these pliers sharp? kNOCKEd xAeee 13 deaths without fragging
N1 Sherlock , u found my secret