back 2 kill vs to Make odds even (8623 views)

ESL 6on6 Winter League 2011 - Division 1
Playoffs - WB Round 1
15.02.12 21:30 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | ESL Winter Leagues 2011 » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | Electronic Sports League | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Missile_b3 | |
Supply | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 84
Viewer Peak: 84

gl Abject
gl Kirej !
gl b2k
hf mag,wut
hf mag,wut
easy b2k
Jest i "Member Since 11th January 2012" kto ?
Wybacz Zacytuje Cos :D"Na Haxie Gralem Tylko w buzersach i to tylko na wh " tak sie placze na na TS :D

Jakbys zobaczyl to na crossfire napisalem w poscie i sie przyznalem, ze gralem na haxie wiec nie wypieram sie niczego ;)
a ty tez juz zamknij morde znalazles nowych kolesi typu dialer i reszta plebani i kurwa zgrywasz Kmicicia z potopu
hahahahahaah XD
/!\ Jest i nasza gwiazda polskiej sceny ET :D
gl mOJA
gl hunter i mag :D
gl Piotrek :D
gl daniel wiktor piotrek czarek damian gam
Kirej [*] gl : )
kanker Wut gl
gl b2k :))!
jak by nie paczec to tmoe = TP
GL b2k wierze w was :DD
GL b2k wierze w was :DD
ja nie gram, gl b2k!
syriusz mala pala :D
wspieram was duchowo
Abject > tmoe wiec o czym my tu kurva rozmawiamy!?
b2k za cienkie jest na tmoe izi.
b2k pokonało tMoe w skladzie bez syriusza wuta i w1lko xD a gralem ja robaciek i voiler wiec izi b2k :DDDDDDD
zatkaj pape
Dobra typie wypierdalaj lizac dupsko prestizowemu tim poland. Jestes typowym racuchem , wiec od razu proponowalbym zakupic katapulte na bazarze w Twoim zalosnym zakopanem czy innym Hogwarcie i wypierdolic sie w nadprzestrzen jebany delfinie.
Robert skill?
przed czy po buscie?
Gdyby jeszcze wymienil co dobrego ;DD
no moze Syriusz i voiler cos tam ladne graja.
no moze Syriusz i voiler cos tam ladne graja.
po, ale gorzej bil ode mnie czyli czysto :XD
WoW grales w b2k !
what has et become
gl b2k
Spoko gra jest 4fun nie gramy w ET od kilku tygodni a wiec izi dla hajtow tmoe
dobrze powiedziane imo
rozumiem, ze nikt z was nie tknal ET od kilku tygodni? to ktos wam musial zhakowac konta w takim razie i ponabijac skrinikow na slacyku
granie random mixow i na pubie to nie to samo co granie jako team osle
hf mag , abj , dialer
mOJA -> mr blk?
mr twoj stary :DDDDDDDDD akurat juz mi sie nie chce robic kolejnego konta zeby sobie zagrac rly :D
ja tam bym sobie pogral
kirej, best player @ tmoe. Hf.
trololol :)
No taka prawda.
no panie Rutkowski jedna sprawa, NAPIERDALAC !
mOJA aka zMk
If he's playing with you in 3on3 and 6on6, mister fanatic, he can leave mCon then. No need to make double account and get banned for 10 years....
If he's playing with you in 3on3 and 6on6, mister fanatic, he can leave mCon then. No need to make double account and get banned for 10 years....
mOJA is brother of zMk..
haven't seen him playing anywhere
any links to backup what you say? like tzac account/other matches he played in
any links to backup what you say? like tzac account/other matches he played in
2. cb account but clanbase aint working now
2. cb account but clanbase aint working now
tzac ?
his cb account
his old slac
his new tzac because forgot password
his old slac
his new tzac because forgot password
and now i will enjoy my beer from my brother :D
Could you check one guys ip's for me pls? :P Ill info u @ irc
yea sure, pmme
you just fooled yourself, gratz
erm, no I didn't
I don't doubt he has a brother, but I doubt he is the same skill as zMk and also playing rifle! Seems quite odd...
I don't doubt he has a brother, but I doubt he is the same skill as zMk and also playing rifle! Seems quite odd...
gl&hf b2k - hf dialer
kirej lololol :D
GL Hf WuTTTTT, cu in Gdansk
no w1lko or czaro?
i wonder why :D
gona be a nice match
hf mag, fanatic, hunter, krein, grzesiek and l4z :))))
hf mag, fanatic, hunter, krein, grzesiek and l4z :))))
add to b2k team superstar afroki
no pewnie
gl b2k : ) rozjebac :D
gl miks i kirej
miks wstydz sie
gl magu bij plebs
kurwa deathmatch
You have 60000 on pl b2k
You lost trololo przjebaned :DD
You lost trololo przjebaned :DD
gl WuT
kirej got this, all in on him!
gl WuT
b2k go go
ooo kurwa
ska :)
where is my unban kurwa?
You have 100 on pl tMoe
You won 260
You won 260
You have 25 on pl tMoe
You won 65
You won 65
You have 2000 on pl tMoe
You won 5200
You won 5200
You have 485 on tMoe
You won 1261
You won 1261
You have 1114 on b2k
You lost
You lost
You have 6500 on pl tMoe
You won 16900
You won 16900
j.lo, voiler do mycia
moja dobry smurf!
moja dobry smurf!
Lady Macbeth tMoe} mOJA 85 kills
ta, brat :XD
ta, brat :XD
kurcze ten brat zmk dobry. moze powinien zastapic zmk w tim poland?
Piotrek ftw!
You have 160 on pl tMoe
You won 416
You have 160 on pl tMoe
You won 416
wp mates :*
gg bro!
Are these pliers sharp? Czarek is back 2 kill 18 deaths without fragging