team stAt1c vs cTRL-Gaming Warteam (4936 views)

nl mAss1v
no Assgeir
nl Highway
us Equanimity
se Weslann
it krAzY
17.02.12 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: mAss1v (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 23508
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


gl stAt1c
u mad ,
Thanks for filling up your lineup !
I feel madness in here
trojan kiedy znow nagrasz cos ? XDDD

P>S morda
i dunno if my lineup will show up. i'll let you know when to update it
Are you stupid mate? Hes not busted otherwise he would get banned on esl right? Clanbase is just a retarded league that is not looking up the facts of a bust...because some random guy from austria made a post from a 3 years old ban from mAss1v and clanbase banned him because "returning while banned" hes playing for 3 years clean now. Isn't clanbase a lil bit late with that?
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Thats ur opinion, me and my teammates know better
that's true, but still u dont have to blame people for ages for a fault that he made.
I didn't say he's cheating now, but fact remains he did cheat therefore /!\
ye blame a fault in a fucking jaymod serv 3years ago, ok ! dont come if u dont want too. Couldnt care less
we will play :)
Thanks, hope you can forgive me for this mistake i made, since fucking CB cant
Why do you need forgiveness in a game? Just live with it :D

+ No one cares.
gl weslann and krazy! yawhgih is palying for me :(

gl Stary ;)
gl stAt1c
omg M5 Alex? omg
gl massieve stary
gl stAtic
gl Stary
ryan safe our honor after flyingiris :D

h4vii asked to play another 3o3 war :>
dafuck is this :DD
omg krazy so skill3d
gl famous star & weslann
real Equanimity????
gl highwayytj >.<
need to get highway on us :(
highway low+
pm server ip and pw on gamestv my account
done as you requested !
thiz highway guy fucking shit
weslann scared of highway
gl ryan and krazy
gl static
Gl stAt1c :D
nerds taking over friday night
gl ryan, weslann
gl babes
hf static, Good luck Weslann show them some pwnage ;D
ezbash for Mr. Highway
too bad his brain was izismashed

gg wp, to high
gg wp!
good players and a great game, congrats!
good players and a great game, congrats!
Star benched
No he's the line up player
You have € 1000 on pr stAt1c
You won € 2100

You have € 262 on pr stAt1c
You won € 550.2

easy money
You have € 200 on stAt1c
You won € 420
izi for krAzy :DDD