Grenades Galore vs bacardi team (3849 views)

ca bN
gb chewz-
pl promen
pl Arnoldi
pl syberiA
22.02.12 01:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 2269
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


gl hf
gl G+
inb4 "get skill" :S ill try not to rage quit this time : (
FILIPIN'Arnold [0:51]: lost to some lowbirds
FILIPIN'Arnold [0:49]: great
gchewz-:) [0:22]: :D
gchewz-:) [0:22]: :D
FILIPIN'Arnold [0:04]: actually u re fucking lowberds
FILIPIN'Arnold [0:02]: and we lost
ohurcool, best admin ever 8D
easy bacardi
one does not simply win easy
easy bash
you should say thanks to promen for this one :D
haha :P and i could finally aim decent again ;D
theres a reason why gamestv calls the team gxperia in statistics guys.. it knows.. IT KNOWS.
shut up you slag.
u guys seem a little bit like u won a superbowl.
haha :D

gg fucking xperia tho
Yes, because we are definitely acting like this.
ye but every time this bacardi team loses they just whine and call people low.. u win some you lose some grow up.
xperia i vomited twice watching u...too much lag.
thats his speciality...if he lags he s unhittable ;)
Oh wow... what do we call this again...
Pot calling the kettle something ?
The pot blaming the kettle
blaming the kettle from the pot x
fu xperia :xxx
You have € 457 on pl bacardi
You lost

ja pierdole... n/c