rAnsom vs Bus Drivers (9874 views)

us brandon
us alea
us Silver
us taaps
us radigan
eu humM3L
eu haZer
us boi
us matt
us smash
us clock
us bliss
bg ceres
be chuckie
us cyrus
us extend
us theponyfactor
us dator
us revolver
us jerry
21.08.07 03:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Summer League
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: taaps (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de d-hosting.de|ETTV
By: eLemenT`Uther (ettvd)
us #Ghulnah.et ETTV
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29



us brandon
us alea
us Silver
us taaps
us radigan
eu humM3L
eu haZer
us boi

lol HUmm3l english skilzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz low------
dunno who ll win , <3 alea
bd|matt & bd|chuckie & bd|sarcasm? :)
Imo both low.. So i'm gonna bet on rAnsom... No mather what happens. Cuz at low teams playing a war u never know who will win. And cuz they are both low Bus Drivers can screw up as well. So that's my bet & toughts. I need moneey:P
theyr both high imo
you are so funny!
when you dont know a shit about anything you shut up.
I feel sorry you and your "condition" :-[
low---- vs low-- = high--
gL brandon! <3
Good luck bus drivers :)
gl matt
ransom will take this, gl !
don't know teams but GL both ;s
gl ransom
us Busdrivers:

us matt
us smash
us clock
us bliss
bg ceres
be chuckie
us cyrus
us extend
us theponyfactor
us dator
us revolver
[flag=us] jerry
i guess u never get 1 broadcaster at that time,, btw long night for the 2 [flag=eu] guys

bd ofc
gl to me :d
easy for bd <3
gl sar & chuck <3
2 ez 4 chuckie & sarcasm
ransom will take it bd sux my dick.
Put me back on your roster bitch
is this a us-format? 12 vs 8? xD
what league? 8v12 ladder ? :D
gl haZer! :]
haZer best rg of europe!
<3 matt and bliSssssssssssSsssssssssssss gl both
We never know who's gonna show up, I'll just be glad if 6 out of those 12 can play ;/
gl matt, bliss, chuckie, ceres and bd!
8o8 match ? GL both
i smell nolifer :o
gl alea :]
gl bd
haha nice :)
I'll be sure to watch it!
nice time!
a proper gamer doesnt sleep before 5 ^^
9:30pm is indeed a nice time...
bd needs more players imo :S

who do you expect to watch this?

gl hazer btw
lol chuckie if you want 2 play at 3:30 :p
8v12 , np4thepeoplewhotakemehome
add me!!!

(ps. i have been to kentaky)
nice hour like lolwtfhaxnosleep

gl hf
Look at the flags and then whine about the time...

better now?
Gl boi and stuff. matt, eat my shit hon'
he > you soz m8
Yes, I saw that last time we faced each other at the one day cup.
ok Croucht6rr / Laggt6rr, you da man!
And you must be the Whint6rr ?
LOL Wtf @ lineups? how many reserves do americans need ffs? :P
we have like 9 ppl on the team and its always a different starting 6
That is the difference between ET competition in North America and Europe, apart from the huge gap in # of teams/players... Euros have stable lineups, Americans don't.
I hope its grush so matt can enjoy himself :P
i wanna see it. nice game.
gl for all
8 vs 12 nice
5 on bd!
ceres noob xD
chuckie fag xD
gogo ransom izy for r :D
ggs ransom 2-1
hoorah i wn money!111