Team chry vs Team dialer (6973 views)

be chry
ee frEeze
be Jere
fi lettu
nl ZaK
ca anim
pl dialer
de Kevji
pl Krein
gb Scarzy
gb sqZz

Crossfire Draft Tournament II
Playoff Quarter Finals

pl numeric couldn't make it to this match - de FLoPJEHZ has been chosen as a replacement from the backup poule.
is phyZiC couldn't make it to this match - gb Scarzy has been chosen as a replacement from the backup poule.
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Crossfire Draft Tournament
Manager: Artstar (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 37276
The bets are closed.

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YJZZ' Stream
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 90


GL chry numeric krein sqzz jere dialer
gl bN and co
bN shit, rito should play
probably only match worth watching.. but cba anyway, et zZz
Funny how u comment on every single game saying "cba to watch et zZzZ", still your watching the game.
seen like 5 ettv matches in the last year or somethinglol, all boring so end up talking in the chat to entertain myself

didnt know parrots can write :D:D:D parrotface
lol cant even be bothered responding with anything.. last person that would come out with some creativity in flaming against me was vila and yeah.. i won that war :_D

such a boring community ;(

this pic is funny beceause there is no difference!!!! hahah :D:D:D:D parrotface + walrus/dogcheeks kamz XDD
still can't be bothered
still u responded ahahahah :D:DD failed parrotface, knew parrots arent that wise ;P
soooo bad
its too easy to troll u, eventho parrotface + walruscheek face isnt troll since its true because u look like that l0000L XDDD

milu always win - kamz always cry ;)
you're not trying hard enough, put some effort into it !!
and still u are refrehsing 24/7
Member Since 17th March 2010
b4lu has composed 0 news, 792 comments, 0 threads, 0 forumposts and demanded 155 replays on

what does this have to do with the case... you are only whining about ET beeing shit and retarded and your such a cool guy, who doesnt play games any more...why can't you leave complete ?
cos i love winding up nerds? wasn't that obvious

and my presence will be missed a great deal too ;/
wait war?
Since when did trolling/flaming turn into war? only cause ur a terrorist u think every little thing is war? calm down now!
im sure there was some attempted funniez someone in there, i'll let u know when i find it
You do that!
working on it now bro, we all sitting around the computer analysing it .. will let u know as soon as we figure it out.
"all" as in your family on 23ppl?
more.. had to make some phone calls because this is a tough one

even got darkrider's dog on the case
GL chry & Jere
gl anim
team dialer gonna win...
gl Jere
- is phyzic
+ gb scarzy
gl team chry
gl flop m8 <3
Gl team dialer <3

Flop :D:D:D <3

HFHFHFHF chry <3
took ages

You have € 500 on chry!
You won € 810
what took so long? o_O