Team-Clown vs Team-kReSti (7082 views)

lv Clown
be dAv1d
pl Elviss
nl joshua
fr kARn4J
pl zMk
pl BloOdje
de humM3L
de kReSti
pl fanatic
pl palemki
pl stexx

Crossfire Draft Tournament II
Playoff Quarter Finals


gl pl kresti
kresti :D
kresti XDDDDDD
why the fuck bloodje??
gl team kresti :XD
lol kresti nice team :D GL zmk elviss TK :D
kresti accepted 5 euro from blo0dje to play wtih him:D
gl BloOdje !! legendary player of sb !
no i tym tekstem bloodje zostal z nienawidzony : - D

warst de nich artig oder wat is da los xD
gl kresti and karnaj

from kamz

kKK Klu Klux Klan, deal with it
damy rade ;D
vini kaut kaa ir skeptiski noskanoti :) ir laikam jau naacies ar viniem speeleet?
un protams veiksmi veci :)
cikos notiks speele pec Latvijas laika?!
respect kReSti
gl kresti
kresti accidentally picking a sick team D:
that's pretty nice from kresti to give a chance to some low players like bloodje :)
i see what you did there :O)
I'm actually not kidding

how is that possible? :O
doing objective only :P
but still on supply 0 kills thats rly weird^^
this scores are from the 1st round right? but everyone has a bad day :P
only one not surprised i guess
gl krestiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

applaus junge!!!!!!!!
You have € 15 on de kReSti!
Possible win: € 406.5
sie kurwa podneicasz a go w ogole nie znasz
ty kuwra nie spinaj tak dupska bo ci gejzer wyjebie na papie
lets keep crying about bloodje, all he did was sign up for this cup
Quote TESTI Monday, 27th February 2012 19:19
kresti accepted 5 euro from blo0dje to play wtih him:D
+1 finally a less known player to see
true, it isn't a allstars cup :D
gl elvism8 :)
gl elvis
gl pl kReSti :D
hf david!
team kresti rolling :) more or less ^^

e: so close :<
u cant win with humm3l.