Xtarsia vs Superretardedplayers (15205 views)

fi olden
fi wandaa
fi repje
fi Metsurii
fi crittie
fi tba
se ferus
ee Holz
mt toxic
fi Xpaz
fi Squall
gb Adacore
30.08.07 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: SummerCup 2007
Manager: deact_8618 (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Enemy Territory TV
de #aGu - ETTV by www.gamed.de
By: lagg3r (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)

jp #Fragpoint TV 1
By: kmkr (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 219


1 st, gl srp
gl both !
time wasting
np for metsuri!
easy for metsuri
gl srp u really need it
easy for metsuri's team
Easy for Xtarsia :XD
im guessing you all dont know the lineups lol
Secret infoz :_f
xtarsia np
gl crittie teh wanker
Your bet: 15€ on xtar Possible Win: 1,500.00 € (+1,485.00 €)

Xtarsia 100.00 vs 1.01 Superretardedplayers Total pot: 36908 €
All my bets on xtasia xD
or not... x_O
you dont trust to nonamed hackers?
xtarsia > all :D

ps. come spec me pwn :P
easy for xtarsia
easy for metsuri
haha make me laugh
i think that match is ought to make you laugh 8)
Your bet: 12€ on xtar
Possible Win: 1,200.00 € np
Your bet: 181€ on SRP Possible Win: 182.81 € (+1.81 €) -_-
its not worth.. better put 5 euro's on <o> against dignitas.. then hope ^^
omg lol :D
xtarsia lineup?
i heard xtar is very good, they will take it =D all money on them
in ur dreams m8
izi for unknown talents xtar! gl:)
w00t gl teKoa!:D
xprs n1 try:P....ehrm....SRP imo HF Tekoa & Xpaz
Your bet: 99€ on SRP
Possible Win: 99.99 € (+0.99 €)

so why did night actually stop playing for dignitas? motivation or?
The reason Night left was because he had a lot more trouble recently combining his real life responsibilities with those he had towards the team. As we couldn't maintain a full praccing schedule with him in the main lineup he stepped down.

(c) Frop @ http://www.team-dignitas.org/view_thread.php?tid=1266
imo SRP is stronger than the dignitas team without night and r3vers:)
i hope. but you see... they arent praccing much i guess, so :(
they don't need it, they are leet
Rescheduled to Thursday 20.00 CET.
is it gonna be resheduled or not?
That's what I say, isn't it :p
yeah srry but it still wasnt :) and a reschedule would be great cuz of all the other matches and i was running out of slots :p
much matches on one day:/
skillme mina küll nii kindel poleks AJUTOONOR.
väga tore sinust(ajudoonoritele: ma pole kindel selles)
will be played on thrusday.... 2 bad for all teh fanboys (or good? dunno?)
ez for xatia
fanta, metsuriii !
buuuuuuuuu metsuri
gl crittie
here is the idle-band back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!close games between tlr, evolve, srp, dignitas...boaaaaaaaaaaaa...nice i am excited of the coming season!!!
Your bet: 10€ on xtar
Possible Win: 1,000.00 € (+990.00 €)
titty laittaa
we need some nice shoutcast... :)
"And xtarsia survived for 12 seconds this spawn, well played!"
well u are over-rating them if u think they will survive for 12s :l
standing in spawn few moments, running out and getting 3hs + tapout
lol :D
2 izi 4 srp but gl titty :p
titty ftw
Your bet: 250€ on SRP Possible Win: 252.50 € (+2.50 €)

F*cking Odds x]
Your bet: 85€ on xtar
Possible Win: 8,500.00 € (+8,415.00 €)
Squall and Adacore?
mystic will play and mztik
mztik have not won the EC so he can't play in SRP :) Its EC winners clan...
well the 2 tba's are squall and adacore, atleast they were pracking with the lineup.
notrly, squall and ada will play
gl both
lolz they dont know wich players will play but they already know there country xD
Night *
toxic (wa) *

nice new idle but et is die;/
you die english good
et isn't dead, retard.
and whers reload:P?
xtarsia lineup

fi olden
fi wandaa
fi repje
fi Metsurii
fi crittie
fi tba
I heard that tba will be mystic!
fi TBA = me, but it are ze secretz! :o
Gl metsuriii
GL :)
nolifes et IS die go play football
is dead*
go learn english
time wasting for xtarsia
et is dead game...
70% - cheaters
25% - med+/high
5% - noobs...
you don't need to say it :( it's better to ignore...
70 % noob
25 % cheaters
5 % med+/high
gb Adacore ftw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is spartaaaa or this is wandaaaa ?
metsuri is gonna be so owned , so fucking owned :D:::D:DD:D:d
5 comments in a row i own xd
xtarsia's "tba" will maybe be pl LaggerPagger

Im not sure tbh ;)
it will be funny match :)
Possible Win: 99.99!
too easy for metsuri...
ferus <3 :D
close game...
gl metsuri & xtars !
Your bet: 14€ on xtar
Possible Win: 1,400.00 € (+1,386.00 €)
go xtarsia, make me proud (& rich)!
where is night?
Night is 2 low 4 SRP
go srp :DDDDD
they need tekoa!:D

Night *

lol that TeaM oops oops titty?
ban !
Your bet: 17942ˆ on xtar Possible Win: 1,147,570.32 ˆ (+1,129,628.32 ˆ)
4:0 xtar

Hahaha Anaconda, IP'tje + pass uitgelekt he? ;D
En je vind dat grappig ? :/
Ik heb tranen gelachen!
Goed voor jou ...
Dat schudde je snel uit je mouw!
nogal hé ...

net als die kicks ...
Kicks die jij uit je mouw schudt? Groovy!
ban leakers !
Demos of nl teKoa
Your bet: 8€ on SRP Won 8.08€
lol im so happy =]
i win 1 £ o happy day
lol, SRP almost got pwnd :D