eXecutors vs Vindication eSports (3124 views)

si Tohaj
si Kwizlord
si m1tja
be BuNeD
ch GirljZE
pl N!ke
03.03.12 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: GiiirljZE (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 860
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


Good luck Girlz and Mitja
gl mates ^^,
hf vindication
Go go power rangers !
gl eXe!
Where is puttu
gl GirljZE ch
gl vindi
bad server
bad player
im better than you so np :)
sure:) that's why you lost
with hand broken , look stats :)
with no hands broken, best dmg
with no hand broken i own you easy , :)
with one hand broken i own you even more, :)
you have difficult to kill me today , so you're a big shit xD
sure thing bro.. we were playing on your server and you were saying "OMG BAD SERVER" n1 mate
not our server so np
you have choosen that server :) and anyway no need to whine about server^^ if u have 250 ping and others are stable its maybe you?
:D pwnd !
ok le low :)
hes too good for me:(
I just hate people saying "lolol I have more damage, damage = skill, im better than you" they usually are shit players :D

gg for owning him :D
agree and ty :D
le type qui se prend pour un fou :)
tes majeur qu'une fois dans ta vie laisse le les fêter ^^
WuT ?? where did you find my computer ?
I stole it
Is there a gtv match where Buned hasn't whined about something?

"shit server"
"shit team"
"shit day"

Face it homo , you suck.

Good night.
look stats, he's better :D
He's so into getting dmg , that it makes him blind to make anything for the team. - make's him shit player.

Overall I see him egoing here "look stats im better" - while he has the lowest dmg / kills of match.
ye I was sarcastic :P
iknowiknow :p , just trying to hammer some sense to his brain , guess it's impossible :o)

i think it's not ur arm its your face dude
Didn't know seareal brought his cousins to ET.